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  • Irlandia My Left Foot (więcej)


Story of Irish writer Christy Brown, born with cerebral palsy. (oficjalny tekst dystrybutora)

Recenzje (5)



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angielski Daniel Day Lewis's method acting, where he lives his character even in the pauses between takes, seems to be bearing fruit, and in this film it’s really incredible! I'm always rather critical of actors' portrayals of physically handicapped people because a more often than not it's just overacting, but with Day Lewis, it's different, his performance blurs the line between acting and reality. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski A textbook example of a film that stands and falls with the main acting performance. Thanks to Daniel Day-Lewis, he's standing very firmly on both feet, not just his left foot. The story of Christy Brown's cerebral palsy, who became an acclaimed artist despite the initial underestimation of him, is not dramatic in a striking way; it is a small drama of one life that is surprisingly full of love rather than rejection. It is a story of the gradual telling of "what I mean" to those who love me, but with whom I cannot communicate well. And Daniel Day-Lewis is able to be completely natural and believable in those mundane and often minimalist episodes ... His perfect study of the movements and vocal expressions of a disabled person takes one’s breath away in and of itself, but the real acting performance is the art of expressing strong emotions through limited means. And it would be unfair of me to neglect mentioning his loving mother in the civil and humanly warm portrayal by Brenda Frecker. A beautiful film. ()


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angielski Jim Sheridan's first hit, where he confirmed that period stories from the rough and tumble of Ireland are his strong suit and the stuff he enjoys. In his debut, although he sometimes stumbles a bit in the plot, but when he doesn't know which way to go, he lets the lead actor stand out all the more, yet surprisingly he combines the story of a handicapped individual overcoming the hardships of blending into normal society, without forgetting to quite authentically outline the life of a working-class family, where he is able to lighten the strong moments with excellent timing. Daniel Day-Lewis certainly deserved the Oscar, but in terms of filmmaking, My Left Foot is overshadowed by the director's other films, which are more emotionally gripping and plot-driven. ()


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angielski Seen during the Challenge Tour 2015: 30 days with world cinema. Film number 23 - Ireland. First and foremost, it is a "one man show" and an acting performance rather than a concert, it is a megashow of Daniel Day-Lewis. This actor has no competition among living or deceased artists. And we don't need to prove it purely statistically through the number of Oscars for leading role. Watching him was an extraordinary experience for me, it is one of the best performances in history. I could write five odes to Daniel for a long time, perhaps the current comparison comes to mind, if the film world was amazed by Eddie Redmayne, yes, okay, he deserved the Oscar, but Daniel's performance is a hundred times better. A showcase of all emotions - anger, distress, joy, sadness, desire, tenderness, filial love, Daniel masterfully portrays all of this in his repertoire and the best and strongest scene for me is the evening sitting in the restaurant. In many scenes I felt uncomfortable and at the same time I was amazed at how Daniel delivers it. Not to overlook the other strengths of the film, I also really liked Brenda Fricker's performance, the mother-son relationship is beautifully depicted in the film, both in terms of direction and screenplay the film is successful. Bravo, bravo, bravo! ()



wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski I was a little scared of this film, after all the subject of disability is not one that I care much about, but at the same time I was looking forward to Daniel Day-Lewis' performance. And he didn't disappoint. He's an absolutely incredible actor, of which there are few, and I would only compare him to Marlon Brando, although he has nothing to be ashamed of even compared to him. Both are incredible legends. But this film doesn't rely solely on him; it's also beautifully presented in terms of the overall theme, incredibly humanely and beautifully. ()