
A happily married woman's life begins to unravel when her presumed-dead first husband reappears and demands a hefty sum to keep quiet about their union. (Netflix)

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angielski I had pretty mixed feelings about this one. It’s another British, mostly single-location crime drama that was enjoyable for the most part, especially thanks to the strong performances. Duncan Lamont, in particular, stood out for me after seeing him in back-to-back films. But… the twist with the "not-so-dead" husband just didn’t land. The idea of trying to blackmail someone with information that could get the blackmailer into even more trouble than the victim felt far-fetched, and I found it hard to believe the filmmakers were serious. It felt like the script underestimated the audience or wanted us to believe Barbara Everton was incredibly naive. Either way, it left me disappointed and took away from what could’ve been a solid film. 3*- ()