
Dystyngowana Madame Mallory (Helen Mirren) od lat kieruje cenioną restauracją w niewielkiej miejscowości na południu Francji. Sława jej potraw wykracza daleko poza lokalną społeczność. A przyznana lokalowi prestiżowa gwiazdka w słynnym Przewodniku Michelina napawa dumą wszystkich mieszkańców. Pewnego dnia w miasteczku osiada rodzina emigrantów z Bombaju. Gdy przybysze otwierają skromny lokal vis a vis renomowanej restauracji, Madame Malory nie kryje oburzenia wobec ich kulinarnego nieokrzesania. Unoszące się w powietrzu zmysłowe nuty curry, kardamonu i kminu sprawiają jednak, że nowa knajpka zaczyna cieszyć się coraz większym zainteresowaniem. Czy uwodzicielskie smaki Orientu przekonają do życzliwych Hindusów również kuchenną arystokratkę? (Monolith)


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wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski Three quarters of the film is shot like a margarine commercial, it takes seven thousand years, and the whole thing is as predictable as a pedophile in a sandbox. Food fetish (as opposed to foot fetish) is not a genre or a measure of a film's quality. And my Chinese soup agrees with me. PS: It would be great if Hallström would die already. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski If the film were significantly shorter and didn't resemble Chocolat in its setting, it would be a truly beautiful celebration of food. As it is, it's still a celebration of food, especially my beloved Indian cuisine, but at the same time, it's a bit of a drawn-out romance and a demonstration that in the end, it doesn't matter much if you're not happy. ()



wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski It’s been a long time since I saw such an incredibly enjoyable movie as The Hundred-Foot Journey. From a xenophobic point of view, I have to praise the creators, because everyone here was really charismatic. And especially the Indian family, who didn’t hesitate to move into the house opposite a famous restaurant to open their own establishment there. It was all incredibly relaxing. Starting with the story, through the characters and ending with the filmmaking. And I really didn’t mind that the film was 122 minutes long. I enjoyed every minute and waited for what would come next, because the Indian audacity in that one small French village had taken my breath away. What I didn’t understand was the way how the French were portrayed in this film – especially somewhere in the middle of French vineyards in a village where it is difficult not to meet a French hillbilly. But strangely enough all the people there were speaking English. A bit of a mystery, that. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski The whole film is one big attack on emotions, but we are already used to that with Lasse. A pleasant romantic comedy for Saturday evening with the repulsive Helen Mirren, nationalist Frenchmen, Canadian version of Winona Ryder in her heyday, and a successful Indian family. The pursuit of Michelin stars can sometimes really take thirty years, but the script deserved a little trimming, especially the last half an hour was unnecessarily lengthy when we all knew how it would end. ()

Galeria (85)