
Teraz, gdy oficerowie Schmidt (Jonah Hill) i Jenko (Channing Tatum) przebrnęli przez szkołę średnią (i to dwukrotnie!), czekają ich wielkie zmiany - tym razem przyjdzie im działać pod przykrywką w miejscowym college’u. Lecz kiedy Jenko poznaje w drużynie sportowej swoją bratnią duszę, a Schmidt infiltruje środowisko bohemy artystycznej, ich współpraca, partnerstwo i przyjaźń zostają wystawione na ciężką próbę. Teraz nie chodzi już o samo śledztwo - obaj muszą ocenić, czy są dojrzali i dorośli do poważnych relacji. (Imperial Cinepix)


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wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski Absolute psycho that often goes way over the top, but I enjoyed it more than part 1. The fact that it’s a sequel is capitalized upon and so everything is bigger, more explosive and the humor even crazier. Miller and Lord thrive on knick-knacks, antiracism and also... on male comradery. Awesome final credits. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski Awesome. More fun than the first one, I think. Great pacing, amazing modern look, Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill are perfect again, the plot is acceptable and there are and lots of laughs, 22 Jump Street has all that! The lunch with the parents and the end credits are without a doubt some of the best scenes of the year. Together with Suck Me Shakespeer, probably the best comedy of the year. 90%. ()



wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski The first movie was absolutely crazy, so the second one is properly insane. For the first fifteen minutes, I was just staring at the two idiots with my mouth wide open and I wasn’t sure whether I’m supposed to laugh or stare like a stuck pig. It was obvious that it was so overdone on purpose and it all pretended to be awfully stylish, which was also complemented by the dance music itself. The story didn’t surprise me because they didn’t come up with anything new. They just swapped high school for college. But one-liners were plentiful; In fact, there were so many that I think that I must have overlooked a ton of cool and clever references to the 1990s in all that colorful fun. I don’t really like Hill or Tatum, but they were really putting on a show here and so I had good fun, I just had to get used to it. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski A sequel to a comedy hit that lacks nothing that was typical of its predecessor, but at the same time has almost nothing that is typical of it. The genuinely funny scenes are few and far between, the popular mockery of action clichés is effective, but it's a weak brew compared to the first one, with new villains that are terribly stupid (poor Stormare), and only one of the original characters that retains his standards (the wisecracking Ice Cube). I expected much more from directors with such a record of originality. 60% ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski 22 Jump Street feels almost like a copy of its two years older predecessor, it succeeds at times, other times, less so. Essentially, it's a variation of the first film, but I still enjoyed it – as long it stuck to action and humor. When it came to the "pouring out of the heart", on the other hand, it was rather annoying and unnecessary – the bromance-line worked better in this regard with the first one. But as I said, I was entertained again (though a little less so) and I have to commend the imaginatively done title scenes. Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum mostly hold their own, albeit overacting at times, Ice Cube could have thrown in a different angry face at times, Jillian Bell was hilariously awkward (or was it awkwardly funny?), and Rob Riggle is an incredible (almost literally) "vee-jay". A playful, yet shallow sequel! ()

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