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  • Francja L'Écume des jours (więcej)
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Colin - młody i bogaty wynalazca - ma praktycznie wszystko, czego zapragnie, z wyjątkiem miłości. Za sprawą przyjaciół poznaje piękną Chloe. Wzajemna fascynacja od pierwszego wejrzenia szybko przeradza się w miłość na całe życie. Po wymarzonym ślubie udają się w podróż. Po powrocie Chloe zapada na bardzo rzadką chorobę. Colin zrobi wszystko, aby uratować ukochaną. (Kino Świat)


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Recenzje (6)


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski The book "Pěna dní" represents one of the most beautiful and original stories about love for me. In my adolescence, I devoured all of Vian's books, whether those published under his real name or the strong quartet under the pseudonym Vernon Sullivan. I thought "Pěna dní" was unfilmable. I was mistaken, I appreciate Gondry's effort, however, it simply didn't resonate with me. In my opinion, the film adaptation should last at most eighty minutes, two-hour visual orgies are very exhausting, unnecessarily stretch the plot and spoil the overall impression. Romain Duris is par excellence as Colin, Audrey Tatou is also believable in the role of Chloé, but unfortunately it is such a cult novel that it is too big a bite even for a famous director. How about filming "Zabte ošklivé"? That would be much easier. ()


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angielski I love Michel Gondry's films, and The Foam of the Days bears several of his distinctive hallmarks as a director. At first it is a playful and funny fantasy comedy, but halfway through it picks up momentum and turns into a sad love drama that slowly comes to its inevitable end. I liked the work with models, props and special effects. At times it was completely crazy, nonsensical and absurd, but that's what it was (probably) meant to be. A solid and unconventional film that impressed me especially with its premise (I definitely need to find time to read the book) and the cast ()



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angielski I dare say that Mood Indigo is a film that managed to combine a refined form with impressive content in an incredible way. I can't imagine that anyone could have translated Boris Vian's cult novel to the screen better than Michel Gondry. He certainly unleashed his imagination to the fullest, but at the same time, surprisingly, he stayed quite faithful to the book. He managed to preserve its unique poetry, which is significantly enhanced in the film by the beautiful music. The cast may not be to everyone's taste, but I was personally very satisfied. Plus, I'm pretty sure that a repeat trip into the surreal world of Colin and Chloé will allow me to empathize even more with the recesses of their romantic souls. ()


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angielski As much as my Friday night and, by extension, Saturday morning view of the world around me can say I could have gotten used to it by now, my problem is that I still can't seem to take a stance on surrealism and don't really know how to view it at all. As a parable, a metaphor, an association, a bunch of unrelated ideas unanchored by any rules? Mood Indigo mainly gives the impression that it takes all of these approaches to that artistic movement, and not all at once, but doses them gradually. In particular, the ruthlessness of the last act, where Gondry attempts to make the viewer his emotionally exhausted bitch, pays off because the previous relationship between the two protagonists is built on the universal appeal of Audrey Tatou, who fails pretty hard in the role of the lovable rogue. Either film the surreal or film the plot, sorry. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski I have heard people say that the movie started to annoy them after ten minutes. I was much worse off because I started feeling the same way after only three minutes. If I had to describe Gondry's film with adjectives, they would be "incredibly annoying" and "irritating." My wife pointed out that unbearable hyperactivity is exactly what characterizes the film. I lasted half an hour and then gave up because I realized that this time, Gondry and I really never saw eye to eye. Narratively, the film is a failure on all counts, and Gondry's world, which enchants others, remains closed to me on several levels. This style would be great for directing music videos, and after all, Gondry has already made quite a few of them. But I consider watching a 130-minute music video as a horrible and terrifying ordeal. Overall impression: 25% for the visual aspects and wild ideas. ()

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