Teksas - Pola śmierci

  • Stany Zjednoczone Texas Killing Fields (więcej)
Zwiastun 1


Od 1971 roku w okolicach miasta Teksas znaleziono ciała 61 kobiet. Miejscowy detektyw-służbista Mike Sounder (Sam Worthington) i jego partner z Nowego Jorku Burian Heigh (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) rozpracowują sprawę sadystycznego, seryjnego mordercy, który okrutnie okalecza swe ofiary, a potem porzuca ich ciała na pobliskich bagnach. Śledztwo jest bardzo trudne, a przeciwnik sprytny. Kolejną ofiarą może być podopieczna Briana, nastoletnia Anne (Chloë Grace Moretz), która znika nagle bez śladu. Detektywi rozpoczynają wyścig z czasem. (Cineman)


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Zwiastun 1

Recenzje (5)


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski Texas Killing Fields remind more of a TV movie. Quite high quality, but not outstanding at all. The cast is great, Sam Worthington is at last a bit of a swine, Chloe Moretz rocks as always, J.D. Morgan is rather indistinctive. Ami Canaan Mann has certainly picked up a few tips from Daddy, but the movie lacks momentum. I know it’s based on a true story, but there’s no build up, it just happens. It could have been much, much better. And the music is awful, taking the wind out of the only chase in the movie. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski This movie will always hold a special place for me, as I saw it at the Cinestar in Zagreb with Croatian subtitles. Since my English is not impressive, I didn't catch everything, but I understood the overall meaning and the pace of the film suited me. Both main actors, in my opinion, handled their roles quite decently and the overall atmosphere of the film was unsettling. I was surprised by the low rating on csfd. ()



wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski I was hoping for an atmospheric, dark crime thriller, but it seems the creators had other plans. They managed to partially bore me and partially annoy me with those scenes of the Texas police force at work. The film failed to entertain, thanks to the protagonists trying to solve the crime on their own and failing at it. Even when they teamed up. The police work depicted here was simply pathetic. The toughest guy vanished from the storyline so seamlessly that nobody even bothered looking for him. Frankly, I soon lost interest and didn't even care about the outcome. Now, I'm left wondering – what was the outcome? ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski A dense crime drama with a great bleak and oppressive atmosphere that most current contributions to the genre lack. I'm surprised at the low rating here, but what can you do? Jeffrey Dean Morgan acts great once again and Sam Worthington keeps up with him without any problems, Jessica Chastain seems to be preparing for her role in Zero Dark Thirty, and "little" Chloë Grace Moretz is also great... The plot is unpredictable and still interesting, but unfortunately I felt that quite a large part of the film disappeared somewhere - a few situations, which I won't mention, would have deserved more elaboration. I could have done with an extra half hour. Otherwise, no reservations. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski Though it has the same parameters of the later, highly successful series True Detective, Texas Killing Fields does a conspicuously bad job of telling the story and sticking to its foundations, thus confusing the viewer with asides. The things that the investigation depends on the whole time are sloppily left unexplained, because the truth is elsewhere, the probability and logic of the time sequences get put through the wringer and you will get nothing out of the poorly constructed characters. And why was it necessary to put Jessica Chastain in such a minor supporting role? ()

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