Ghostbusters. Pogromcy duchów

  • Stany Zjednoczone Ghostbusters (więcej)
Zwiastun 1


Pogromcy duchów długo kazali fanom czekać na swój powrót. Reżyser Paul Feig zrealizował komedię, która zachwyca oryginalnością i humorem. Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones i Chris Hemsworth wcielają się w członków nowej drużyny pogromców duchów. Razem ratują Manhattan przed nagłą inwazją nadprzyrodzonych mocy - wszelkiej maści duchów, śluzowatych straszydeł i glutowatych potworów. (Imperial Cinepix)


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Recenzje (8)


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski I don't have a good feeling about the new Ghostbusters at all - apart from the feeling that the film is completely useless. It didn't impress me, didn't offend me, I liked the female cast quite a bit, but they had nothing to act with, and the humor was so strangely tasteless and odorless that you couldn't even tell what the writers had come up with and what was improvisation gone wrong. The opening scene was good, as was the team's first encounter with the ghost, but the longer the film got, the weirder it got, the more awkward the humor became, and even every cameo role the actors from the original Ghostbusters had in it was a pointless addition (especially Bill Murray). For me, it's just not a good comedy, but there was a dad sitting in front of me in the movie theatre with two teenagers (who obviously knew Ghostbusters, as they recognized the references to the original and danced in their seats whenever the familiar musical theme was played) and they laughed almost all the time. I believe that even this film will find its fans. Three and a half stars. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski Probably the first movie that would make me feel sorry if I gave it a worse rating than I actually gave. At the same time, it would undoubtedly deserve it. It actually shamelessly copies the legendary Ghostbusters from the 1980s, from which it borrowed everything and didn’t bring anything new to the table. Except for the fact that it’s pretty well shot, and the special effects also aren’t worthless. On top of that, Chris Hemsworth excels here and makes this into a real comedy. I would be lying if I said I didn’t laugh. Unfortunately, it wasn’t because of the girls. It’s obvious that Kristen Wiig and Melissa McCarthy have a completely different movie training than Leslie Jones and Kate McKinnon. Particularly Kate was very off. Anyway, I was curious about the result, what can I tell you. In the end, however, it wasn’t worse than I expected, and I also lived to see the cameos of the old cast in the end. Nobody should mess with the theme song ever again, though. That would be really nice. ()



wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski The new Ghostbusters is very weak and below average, but otherwise its completely ordinary and as such does not deserve all the media attention it received. The fact that Paul Feig cast women in the lead roles is not the issue. The fact is that he cast actresses who, in an effort to be funny, are usually only convulsively awkward and embarrassing, they come up with nonsense when improvising humor, and they also painfully mine humor from gags that stop being funny after about five seconds. Compared to the original from 1984, Ghostbusters is worse in every way, from the level of humor, wherein clever jokes and humor with a serious face were replaced by the actors being loud, rolling of the eyes and falsetto signing to the new version of the Ghostbusters theme. Only the tricks look better today, but they don’t help the film out much. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski Reality vs the internet. In the movie theater: a continuous volley of laughs, a constant delight at how well it's been transferred to the present day, how wonderful the cameos and blessings of the original team are (I only missed Peter MacNicol). There’s also a geyser of obvious and clever allusions to the current and then-current pop culture (some of the best puzzles are the two Patrick Swayze films). Most importantly - and something which should be applauded by all the suffragettes of the world - the reverse roles work great, including the dumb blonde. On the Internet: "Girly Ghostbusters with Melissa McCarthy? We won't tolerate that." Discerning viewers can decide how they see fit. ;) ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski I was really looking forward to a cheeky female thrashing, but I only got a moderately slimy and totally collapsed action movie without humor, with a burned digital visual and desperately untapped potential. I don't know why Ghostbusters seemed like a good platform for Feig for diss machismo and misogyny, because the original humorously broke the category of male heroism. But if he wanted to subvert, at least he should have done it properly. Chris as Barbie is not funny even in the first minute, and if it is a deeper concept, i.e., it has to show the viewer how stereotyping is not fun, then at least the rest of the film could work this way. But it doesn't work. The talented cast poses rather ostentatiously, the slapstick jokes fall a bit by the wayside, there is tension nowhere, and almost all of the ideas are just a poorly recycled original. The use of old veterans is uncertain rather than intelligent. The Ghostbusters built their campaign on hate, and one would like them to stoke the diss with something better than complete carelessness and zero adrenaline. Unfortunately, they're just running around with the most stereotypical crap about idiots without a guy who solves problems with a fist. P. S. If removing Chris's dance was really the most difficult directing decision, Paul has a pretty sweet life. ()

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