
  • Grecja Kynodontas (więcej)


Ojciec i matka mieszkają wraz z trójką dzieci w domu na obrzeżach miasta. Dom otoczony jest wysokim płotem. Dorosłe dzieci nigdy jeszcze nie wyszły poza teren posiadłości. Ich edukacja, rozrywka i ćwiczenia fizyczne są pod ścisłą kontrolą rodziców, bez jakiegokolwiek kontaktu ze światem zewnętrznym. Jedyną osobą z zewnątrz, która ma prawo wejść do tego domu, jest Christina. Ojciec zaprasza ją, by poskromić seksualne ciągoty syna. W „laboratoryjnych” warunkach reżyser umieszcza metaforyczną historię ze społeczno-politycznym przesłaniem o niebezpieczeństwach związanych z odcięciem się od świata, tak jednostek jak i narodów. (Against Gravity)


Materiały wideo (1)


Recenzje (5)


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski With thanks to the user RUSSELL for the recommendation, I must say that I have just watched the best and most original Lanthimos film so far. It may be inappropriate, but I laughed out loud at some scenes. I liked the overall idea, we could argue about the essence and meaning of words for a long time, what each person imagines under the terms of a keyboard and a zombie. I would be interested in the opinion of an expert psychologist, but I would not expect a completely negative reaction. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski Perfect. The most mined model situation of a family isolated behind a high wall, from which Lanthimos distilled a sheer sick bizarre sequence of scenes that escalate with a family dance to the sound of a guitar, a scene so brilliant that my mind cannot fathom it. But even the rest of the film is teeming with invention and a completely out-of-the-way sense of humor, which is exactly my blood type. Not just anyone can film such a beautifully deranged and sexually bent film. The Greek is no doubt crazy. Beautiful and dangerous. The cunt is indeed a great light, the entirety of the film Dogtooth is proof of this. ()



wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski A very powerful film. It's a shame that the film didn't grab me until halfway through the second half, but I still had an uneasy feeling watching it. Although the film is not very audience-friendly, I can't say that I had a great time, it has a slower pace, perverse scenes, odd lines, unlikeable actors and their behaviour. But there were two scenes at the end made threw me off quite a bit: a very sick dance that almost made me take a pill, and then the dumbbell scene, which hurt even me. A strange, strange film, but it has something to it. 65% ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski Dogtooth is a psychological study of the behaviour and perception of the world on the part of three teenage siblings whose parents never allowed them to leave the fenced-in grounds of their family home. Unawareness, solidarity, incest, animalism. And the parent’s perverse intention to thus protect their children from the “evil world”, an intention that must inevitably spiral out of control. Yorgos is a psychological animal with an absolutely unique, almost scientific approach to writing and directing extreme subjects, which he evidently enjoys immensely. With the conclusion of his experiment – the last shot of the film – he deliberately pisses off the viewer, sparks a wave of discussion and almost purposefully takes one of the prizes at Cannes. Cunning. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski I’m yet to see a normal film from the Balkans :-D… Following recommendations, I didn’t find out anything about Dogtooth before watching it (thanks Rob Roy), and I could not believe what I was seeing. In a sense, this film almost surpasses the infamous A Serbian Film, It’s really very unsettling and very sick. The current genre label is a pretty good joke. “Mum, what’s a cunt” - “A cunt is a big light. For example: If the cunt is turned off, Earth will be without light.” ()

Galeria (19)