
  • Polska Predators (więcej)
Zwiastun 1


Robert Rodriguez prezentuje Predators – kolejny rozdział sagi o tajemniczym łowcy z innej planety. Film wyreżyserował Nimrod Antal, a główną rolę zagrał Adrien Brody – wcielił się w Royce’a, najemnika dowodzącego elitarną grupą żołnierzy, którzy uświadamiają sobie, że zostali zesłani na obcą planetę na żer. W jej skład wchodzą najemnicy, członkowie jakuzy, skazańcy, członkowie szwadronów śmierci. Ludzie, którzy byli agresorami stają się ofiarami wystawionymi na pastwę Predatorów… (Imperial Cinepix)


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wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski After “Arnie’s” first one, this is hands down the best film in the Predator universe, though the original holds that first place mainly for the cult status it has gained over the years. By this I mean that both are basically the same, but whereas Predators is intentionally silly in a cute 1980s way, in Predator  that’s unintentional and therefore better (or worse, depending on how you see it), thanks to is earnestness. Nimrod Antal proves that the fears about his choice as director were unwarranted. I wasn’t expecting any interesting directorial tricks, but Predators is a film where the craftsmanship and the sense for execution and atmosphere are more than enough. I had a little problem with Adrien Brody, who’s maybe a bit too good a character actor for the role. In short, Predators is almost excellent, I got exactly what I wanted. PS: “Die, you space faggot” is almost as great as “You’re one ugly motherfucker” ()


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angielski If I wanted to use a strong word, I’d probably use "disappointment" first, but "wasted potential" seems more appropriate with hindsight. Antal is talented, there’s no denying it because for two hours I felt like I was watching unadulterated 1980s carnage. It’s aided by good cinematography, and Debney’s brilliant soundtrack (those native drums just work even twenty-three years later). The present bunch is worse. True, I can't expect psychological miniatures, but... damn, couldn't it have been stretched for a few more minutes so we could learn a little more about them? There are all sorts of excuses for this, such as the fact that action movies were made this way when the first film was made. But what do you do with one random survivor and a nutcase with a scalpel? It’s also hard to love a film where I have to hit my head a lot to shake the memory of any significant action out of it. In that regard, I'll be eagerly awaiting the Director's Cut on DVD. Until then, it gets a hesitant 3 ½ stars. PS: The first half earns five stars. ()



wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski Although Adrien Brody is just fine, Liam Neeson would have been better :-) Sniper Alice Braga is the best member of the team. The identification of Alan Silvestri’s soundtrack classic comes within the first few seconds and the musical themes characterizing the world of the original movie are preserved and used reasonably well. The screenwriters also remain faithful to the key storyline and principles on which the original movie was built. That’s not a matter of stealing, but rather quoting guided by the creators’ own reason with respect to the original movie and, above all, by their undisguised fannish love for it. Robert Rodriguez’s crew managed a small miracle even with a low budget. That is true at least of the first, for me five-star half of the film, which really took me back to the time when I was fond of such moving pictures. In its attempt to be “cool & in”, the second half, beginning with the arrival of Laurence Fishburne’s character, relies on (unnecessary) unexpected twists and plays more with the original elements. I might have a bigger problem with that than the new (Morpheus) generation would have, because this generation doesn’t know the original movie and was raised with more sophisticated scripts even within this genre. The purity of the original movie disappears, but what can we do? The upgrade was necessary and the damage is not that bad, because we are still far from the butchery and frivolity committed by parasitic crossovers such as Alien vs. Predator, the poor reputation of which will certainly affect the box office earnings of this opus. Which Predators doesn’t deserve, because although it doesn’t end as spectacularly as it begins and though it changes some things from the original, it shouldn’t and doesn’t change some other things it could, it will remain the only solid and successful sequel of the 1980s phenomenon. Thanks, Roberto! ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski The weakest predators in the history of film were playing cat and mouse with the worst soldiers on the face of the Earth. Adrien Brody put on about 15 kilograms of muscle for this role, yet he still looks like a stick. Goggins, on the other hand, generally plays fags in most movies and here he is supposed to put in an absolute performance worthy of the SAS. Neither of them managed to clear that hurdle. It looks embarrassing, and what’s even worse is the Chinese guy, who swordfights one of the predators. I don’t know if the predators were just sick of what a bunch of amateurs those morons were, of they were the weakest predators ever. However, both those things made sure that even otherwise good ideas were buried with everything else in this film. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski Antal has an incredible sensitivity for getting that eighties feeling right, in the end Brody surprisingly doesn’t seem like Arnie’s androgynous embryo (in the ending sequence his muscle-bound body was particularly impressive... or else CGI technology is much more advanced that I thought) and so only the more expensive half away from the jungle is the only thing that spoils it; not that it’s outright bad, but it lags far behind the first half in terms of quality. In the better half, it’s so good that it is better than the original. ()

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