Paranormal Activity

  • Stany Zjednoczone Paranormal Activity (więcej)
Zwiastun 1
Horror / Thriller / Suspens
Stany Zjednoczone, 2007, 82 min (Alternatywny 97 min)


Dla młodej, dobrze zarabiającej pary koszmar rozpoczyna się w dniu, w którym wprowadza się ona do położonego na przedmieściach nowego domu. Od tej chwili towarzyszy jej przeświadczenie, iż poza nimi w domu mieszka „coś”, co nie pozwala im spokojnie żyć i uaktywnia się w nocy. Szczególnie kiedy śpią. A przynajmniej próbują. Wrażenie to szczególnie dotyczy Katie, która przez całe życie czuła się osaczona przez paranormalne siły. Dla jej chłopaka, Micah obsesją staje się zbadanie, co tak naprawdę dzieje się w domu. Zakręcony na punkcie nowinek technologicznych i gadżetów, Micah wydaje tysiąc dolarów na cyfrową kamerę, którą umieszcza w nogach łóżka w sypialni. Kamera ta staje się medium, które ma posłużyć do rozwikłania tajemnicy. Zdaniem Katie paranormalne zjawisko nie jest zadowolone z takiego rozwiązania, a pojawienie się w domu nowego gadżetu powoduje jego eskalację. Kamera pracuje, podczas gdy Katie coraz bardziej oddala się od Micah, którego fascynacja zjawiskiem powoli przeradza się w obsesję. (Vision)


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Zwiastun 1

Recenzje (5)


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski Paranormal Activity is decent entertainment for viewers with imagination and a weakness for goosebump-inducing moments and fear of the unknown. Unfortunately, it is also a disappointment for fans of interesting and well-thought-out endings. The film is not helped by the fact that being lost in the forest (The Blair Witch Project) or imprisoned in a locked house (REC) is a different situation altogether than being in an ordinary house you can leave at any time. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski Haunted horror movies are all about whether or not you develop a relationship with the characters. To put it briefly: She’s a cow and he’s an asshole. The positives? TY nights. The handy-cam is irrelevant. The result? Boring as shit. ()



wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski Fortunately (and given the mixed responses), I managed to avoid most of the hype before this film made it to Czech cinemas and today I was able to truly enjoy it. I don’t know what half of the reviewers watched, but it can’t have been this hearty and spooky ghost story that even made a group of teenagers in the last row go quiet (before the film started they were speaking loudly and throwing popcorn at each other). The night sequences are terrifying, but the scenes during the day are also good, with the occasional joke to lighten things up. We can argue about the behaviour of the characters and their reasons to film in some moments, but who wants to go there? Oren Peli gets my respect and I’m looking forward to Area 51. PS: The cinema ending from 2009 is better, scarier and more striking than the alternative ending from 2007. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski Even though I watched this alone in my dorm room, at night, I still wasn't scared, just bored. So the woman was making me angry, the guy wasn't much better; I wasn't enjoying their fights. I even got the version with the "rougher" ending, yet... I guess I'm just not cut out for horror movies: they don't scare me, and that's too bad, because they should, that's all they’re supposed to do. And if you're not scared, you can't possibly like the movie very much. Just an ordinary ghost movie that maybe even gives you the old happy ending... :-D – of course, it depends on who you're rooting for. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski I understand that at home in the morning on the laptop with the sound turned down so the parents don't get pissed, it's probably not going to be a jolly good experience, so I can explain the low rating from some users. In the cinema, however, I squashed my phone and made thumb indentations on all my remaining fingers. I haven't seen anything this suspenseful since The Ring. I more or less expected the jump scares, but I was still (especially in the night scenes) in constant suspense as to what was going to happen next. The filmmakers dole out the events very slowly, so it stands out twice as much afterwards when something crucial happens (like the photo of Diana on the net, or the result of the experiment with the powder). In the second half, the viewer tends to scan frame by frame to see if anything is going to flicker or change, while wishing it hadn't. I confess that if I were sixteen, I wouldn't sleep well after a screening in an empty apartment. The only downside I would see is probably the last second of the film (before the credits roll on the characters' next fate), which is unnecessarily self-indulgent and kind of undermines what the film has been trying to do up to this point.This is how the film ranks fourth behind The Sixth Sense, The Ring, and The Blair Witch Project – films that really scared me. Btw only 4 characters appear in the movie and 5 names are listed.... I guess even the spider at the beginning had a name and acting career -). UPDATE: the extended version is even a notch better. Mostly it totally replaces the original first ending with a proper one. The video of Diana on the net biting off her hand also has a lot going for it. ()

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