
Zwykły dzień w biurze przeradza się w walkę o przetrwanie dla osiemdziesięciu amerykańskich pracowników korporacji Belko w kolumbijskiej Bogocie. Nagle dowiadują się, że stali się pionkami w śmiertelnej grze. Głos emitowany przez system radiowy w budynku informuje przerażonych ludzi, że dwoje z nich musi zostać zabitych w ciągu 30 minut. Gdy przychodzi kolejne ultimatum, przyjaciele zamieniają się we wrogów. Pojawiają się też nowe sojusze. Tym bardziej, że wszyscy zaczynają sobie dobrze zdawać sprawę, że tylko najsilniejsi pozostaną przy życiu. (HBO)


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wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski An interesting concept that definitely could have been fleshed out more, but I still liked the result we got. I’m not too familiar with the director's previous films, but James Gunn took charge of the screenplay here, that attention to detail definitely showed, and I didn’t find many dull moments in the film. The idea is truly unique, and I can’t imagine such an experiment ever being conducted in the real world, but that certainly doesn’t take away from the film’s originality. The film moves at a murderous pace for the entire 88 minutes, not counting the first 15 minutes, which I’d categorize as an introduction to the characters. From the first exploded head, it just didn’t stop. The idea of chips with bombs implanted in people’s heads was definitely over the top, but I surprisingly enjoyed it. The cast might seem pretty average at first glance, but don’t be fooled. Tony Goldwyn and John C. McGinley steal the show. As the end approached, I was really curious about how the creators would wrap it up. I could have come up with a slightly better ending, but even this one had something going for it. Anyone who enjoys solid thrillers where the blood flows freely will be satisfied with this one. I give it 76%. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski James Gunn confirmed that he has a very dark sense of humor. Greg McLean was a great choice because he managed to be exactly as excessively bloody as needed in some scenes. It's gotten so ridiculous that you just have to laugh. Of course, if you are comfortable with a similarly far-fetched spectacle. Great from my perspective. The Belko Experiment also has a certain social depth, where employees often in reality don't know what their employer will actually do with them. It's just not usually this sort of carnage. ()



wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski The anticipated new release is out and even though much more could have been made of the excellent premise, a cautious thumbs up nonetheless. The first trailers for The Belko Experiment were very enticing and the film has thus ranked among the most anticipated things of this year. It’s clear: an enclosed building with 80 employees tasked with killing each other (friend-to-friend) is more than attractive stuff for a horror film, too bad they didn't have the courage to push the envelope more. Yes probably the most heads in the history of movies explode here at once, some of the employees turn out to be proper bastards (Tony Goldwyn rules the roost and his selective choice of who should survive and who shouldn't is one of the film's strongest moments). I was a bit disappointed that the executions, though quite ruthless, were mostly shootings, as a horror fan, especially of violence, I would have expected more play with axes, knives or other tools. The ending, although expected, was still a surprise and if there is ever a sequel I will be looking out for it. 70%. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski A decent and intense B movie that is more than good in the end, I have nothing to complain about. A huge building and a death-match of 80 employees in it – nothing more. For a thing like this, there are quite interesting characters, basic outlines of behaviour and killer instincts in a similar situation, and above all nice visuals and a high body count with occasional gore. The interesting ending is also a pleasure and so are the bunch well-known, favourite actors, whose names you may not remember, but you recognise them. In the end, The Belko Experiment is an excellent one-off that I’ll probably wont’ remember in a month's time, but it entertained me more than well. ()

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