
Margaret Tate zajmuje wysokie stanowisko, ma władzę i pieniądze. Jednak zaniedbanie procedur wizowych sprawia, że może wszystko stracić. Teraz musi poślubić swojego asystenta i sprawić, by wszyscy uwierzyli, że połączyło ich prawdziwe uczucie. Niedobrana para rusza na Alaskę, aby poinformować rodzinę Andrew o zaręczynach. (Galapagos)


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angielski The Proposal perfectly exploits the potential of a formulaic, family-friendly Hollywood romantic story with irresistibly likable actors and a dog in the garden. It is a great example of a perfect commercial product / drastically limited possibilities of any filmmaking creativity. I like both Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds, but this was a bit painful. Why don’t the filmmakers of the 21st century copy the formula of Love Actually instead? ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski While the plot may seem far-fetched at first glance (who would allow themselves to be lured into this situation despite the clear risks?), the escalating storyline, clever jokes, and all the appropriately adjusted romantic clichés work marvelously. However, the biggest highlight is Sandra Bullock, who looks and performs best out of her entire career and every one of her lines or gestures melts me completely. When I add the natural chemistry with the reliable Ryan Reynolds, my satisfaction grows far beyond the level of a charming romantic comedy. ()



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angielski Neither a decent cast nor a few successful jokes can hide the fact that this pseudo-romantic comedy is something we have seen a thousand times, but mainly that it has already crossed the imaginary limits of kitsch, meaning that the family must naturally be well-off, friends and relatives are understanding, and the story deals with pseudo-problems. Overall impression: 40%. ()


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angielski After many silly and embarrassing American comedies, finally something classy comes along. Something that has quite a plot, a great cast (especially the actresses, with a great Sandra Bullock and and even better Betty White) and doesn't rely on infantilism and nastiness. There were lines and moments that made me laugh, unlike many other American comedies. So there you go! The film is worth watching and considering it's a comedy, I give it a 7.5 out of 10, mainly because of Betty, Sandra, the dog and Alaska. ()


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angielski This is a classical romantic comedy with which it doesn’t even matter what Hollywood stars play the lead roles of the two opposites. It would work out fine every time. Nevertheless, Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds did a good job and turned the film into a pleasant comedy that will provide you with a good time chilling on your couch. ()

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