
Film Siedem dusz to pełna tajemnic zaskakująca historia miłosna, która zadaje prowokacyjne pytania na temat życia i śmierci, żalu i przebaczenia, przyjaźni, miłości i odkupienia. Opowiada o związkach, które w bardzo nieoczekiwany sposób łączą ze sobą ludzkie losy. To poruszającą opowieść o człowieku nękanym pewną tajemnicą, który decyduje się odkupić swoje winy drastycznie zmieniając życie siedmiu zupełnie obcych sobie osób. Kiedy już wprowadza swój plan w czyn, nic nie jest w stanie zmienić jego postanowienia. A może tak mu się tylko wydaje... Ben Thomas (Will Smith) nigdy nie spodziewałby się tego, że zakocha się w jednej z nieznajomych - i to właśnie ona zacznie go zmieniać. (UIP)


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angielski Somehow I wasn’t sure at the beginning why this was all happening and where the whole story was going. For a good hour you don’t know anything for sure. Will’s acting is great and as usual he’s a nice guy. On the other hand the main evil (or bad guy) I see here is a JOB, any kind of job which is waiting for you round every corner and keeps on bothering you constantly via your cell phone. Your job is meant to serve your life, not the other way round. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski Remarkably constructed story that must be watched from beginning to end. I was surprised in every way when I read the content, I thought the film would deal with individual human destinies that would eventually intersect in some way, but the authors came up with something else, which I think is a bit of a shame. They focused too much on one "life" and the others were significantly pushed into the background. I understand that Rosario Dawson deserves more space due to her beauty, talent, and charm, however, with such a long runtime, the creators would not have spoiled anything by delving deeper into the other two or three characters. On the contrary, I applaud the ending the most - no film has moved me so much in a long time that I still had tears in my eyes on the subway. A truly strong, emotionally intense ending. ()



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angielski Damn, I didn’t remember that this film would hit me so emotionally. It's an above-average experience with Will Smith in the lead role. Even the opening scene with the 911 call indicated to the viewer that the main character wouldn’t see a happy ending. Although, considering the goal Tim Thomas set for himself, maybe the ending worked as the best redemption for the tragedy Tim caused. The film definitely plays on emotions, I admit that, but on the other hand, the performances and various dialogues are so natural that in the end, it doesn’t feel like the film is forcing anything on you. And that’s what sets it apart from many competitors—the ability to present such a tragic yet beautiful story in such a flawless package. I didn’t quite understand Will Smith’s missed nomination. To portray a man whose conscience weighs heavily on him and who decides to take such an admirable, for many incomprehensible, step—that takes talent. Honestly, I was fully convinced by his performance. Woody Harrelson shone in a supporting role, and Rosario Dawson was also a pleasant surprise. And the ending is an absolute tearjerker, and it broke me. I give it 8/10. ()


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angielski A kitschy play on emotions that runs out of surprises after less than half an hour. It’s been long since I last saw such a predictable and yet relatively ambitious film. Otherwise, it has everything: a joyful run on a beach, a dramatic run in the rain, photos on a wall and newspaper clippings. Cliché incarnated. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski A vibe similar to The Pursuit of Happyness. Here, though, there's also a heartbreaking ending. One of those movies that evokes strong emotions in me. A beautiful and moving script. Will Smith gives the performance of a lifetime and is extremely charismatic. Direction by G. Muccino suits him perfectly. ()

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