
Zwiastun 2
Stany Zjednoczone / Niemcy, 2008, 119 min


Stephen Daldry


Bernhard Schlink (powieść)


David Hare


Nico Muhly


Kate Winslet, Ralph Fiennes, David Kross, Lena Olin, Bruno Ganz, Jeanette Hain, Susanne Lothar, Alissa Wilms, Florian Bartholomäi, Friederike Becht (więcej)
(inne zawody)

VOD (1)


Oparty na bestsellerowej powieści, Lektor, to hipnotyzująca historia pełnej tajemnic miłości, której akcja toczy się w targanych wojną i powojennych Niemczech. Hanna udziela pomocy Michaelowi Bergowi, który zasłabł na ulicy, wracając ze szkoły. W ten sposób krzyżują się losy młodego wrażliwego ucznia i pięknej, choć starszej od niego kobiety, którą jest zafascynowany od pierwszej chwili. To przypadkowe spotkanie staje się początkiem namiętnego romansu, zakończonego nagłym i tajemniczym zniknięciem kobiety. Mija osiem lat. Michael jest studentem prawa i śledzi procesy nazistowskich zbrodniarzy. W tych właśnie, jakże odmiennych, okolicznościach spotyka ponownie swoją dawną kochankę. Hanna oskarżona jest o popełnienie odrażających zbrodni... (Kino Świat)


Recenzje (10)



wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski A nice drama with a leisurely start and a very intense second half and ending. Kate Winslet has outdone herself with a performance that is clearly Oscar worthy. I also appreciate that the film doesn’t pass any categorical judgement, leaving the viewers free to impart their own absolution. The topics The Reader deals with are so strong and deep that, thanks to the above mentioned liberty, they will stay in your head for a lot longer than five minutes after the screening. I also want to praise the music, it’s not obtrusive but still striking enough for me to notice it (which is far from the rule for me). ()


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angielski The part that takes place in the fifties is proof that pedophile soft porn and a story don’t go well together. The voyage through the sixties raises hopes that it would turn to some burning questions regarding collective guilt, the need to find a scape goat and to hypocritical verdicts for “the nation’s peace of mind". But no more than two or three sentences are uttered about that. And the final twenty years are good, but nothing more than just good. It’s a crying shame that the Germans didn’t adapt the book themselves. At a time when German cinema is experiencing a historic boom, when they settle up accounts with one historical skeleton in the closet after another, it would fit beautifully into their clutch of movies. They certainly have the actors for it (in fact apart from Kate and Ralph everybody’s German here). Plus it would be in German which would significantly add to the authenticity. And the English with a would-be German accent is torture to the ears. ()


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angielski If this film was supposed to be primarily a drama about responsibility, guilt, and punishment, it failed to evoke the relevant emotions and catharsis in me. The film combines two problems: the relationship between a 15-year-old boy and a woman from an older generation, and the conflict arising from the young woman's involvement in war crimes. I am not familiar with the book, so I cannot assess to what extent the film's shortcomings stem from the literary material or the screenplay. However, some motifs and layers of the characters' relationship remained hidden or failed to captivate me. The stronger problem in general seemed to be the relationship between two unequal sexual partners. The genesis of this relationship is not particularly shocking, although it is certainly one of the few taboos that still exist today. Post-war Germany had to deal with the problem that millions of men had fallen on the front lines, so women found various ways to help themselves. The aspect of crime and punishment does not work for two reasons: firstly because the protagonist's involvement in the crimes is unquestionable, and secondly, because this line is overshadowed by the bizarreness of the whole plot and the main character. The characters seemed too flat to me, and the film felt dragged out. Overall impression: 55%. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski It is, of course, excellent that attention has been drawn to the subject of the Frankfurt Auschwitz trials from 1963 to 1965. Kate Winslet is an interesting choice for the lead role, and although we know she can act, she is after all too familiar to us for such complex characters. It would be interesting to see a good German actress in this role. Bernhard Schlink wrote a book that aroused many emotions, questions, and discussions. The many themes that run through it like a red thread seemingly fit together only with difficulty. But the opposite is true. Very controversial are the parts depicting interviews with law students of the 1960s and the final meeting with a former victim. Personally, I find the whole tone of the novel's fiction extremely problematic, but that's not Schlink's fault, it's the problem of the general phenomenon of denazification. The course of history cannot be changed by punishing the weakest link. Note that it is impossible to deal with the Holocaust in this way. ()



wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski A captivating and unique film charged with intimacy, which does not explicitly show off and therefore does not disrupt the smoothness and flow of the story. Ralph Fiennes was maybe born for such roles, and Kate Winslet is in a surprising role that I could never have imagined her in before. I have some quibbles about artificially heightened moments due to the routine piano, but otherwise I’m satisfied overall. After a long time, an intelligent film with a serious theme, executed in a way that you won't get bored, and that is appreciated. Daldry is not completely useless after all. ()


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angielski To be honest, I don't understand why I liked The Reader so much. I’m absolutely immune to Kate Winslet's feminine charms, David Kross strikes me as a terribly shallow actor, and the story is just another cloying and wannabe thought-provoking tale about tragic love. But the narrative is so gripping, atmospheric, emotionally charged and, in the case of Winslet and Fiennes, superbly acted, that Rosamunde Pilcher should give up on romance novels and get into science fiction. But to be fair to Kross, the chemistry between him and Kate is perfect, and their scenes together are definitely the highlight of the film. As a self-proclaimed tough guy, I didn't need any tissues, but the power of the story still hit me with such a creeping impact that I will never forget it. Strong 4*. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski The Reader vs The Hours. Another powerful and emotionally tense drama under the baton of the director of The Hours, Stephen Daldry has once again won me over. Kate Winslet did a truly outstanding job and I dare say Hanna is quite possibly the bravest role in her film repertoire, the Oscar belongs to her quite deservedly. I was never bored for a moment during those two hours and watched as the intricate and suspenseful plot unfolded, it was truly unpredictable and incredibly moving at the end. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski Kate Winslet served two films in 2008 and it seems like she wanted to compete with herself, to see which performance is better. **Nouzový východ**, excellently played, but with a weak script, **Předčítač**, excellently played with a great script. However, if I had to judge only Kate Winslet, I think that in terms of talent and not in terms of her :-), she is better in **Nouzový východ**. And there is an immediate comparison with Meryl Streep in **Pochybnosti**, there it is for me more than just talent for Meryl Streep. Her nun character evoked a wave of emotions, anger and almost hatred in me, while Hanna the ticket controller left me cold until the moment when she received cassettes from Michael in prison. **Předčítač** intrigued me with another noticeable peculiarity. It seems to me like two different films connected by two main characters - the first one a subtly erotic romantic story about the love of a young boy and an adult woman, and the second a drama set in a courtroom and a prison. Altogether a decent whole. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski An incredibly powerful and emotive film that doesn't just use World War II to evoke emotions, but presents a beautiful and poignant story that stands on its own. Yes, the war is certainly important here, but the story would hold up even in slightly different circumstances. An acting showcase by the main cast and director Daldry. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS. After an unnecessarily long and drawn out opening about ignited passion (I understand that in terms of content it certainly has its point, but I found it boring at times), the reunion occurs again after eight years – at this point the plot begins to pick up and offers a truly excellent drama about hurt feelings and the difficulty of letting go of the past. Daldry's matter-of-fact, aware and precise direction is perfect for the subject matter of The Reader, all the actors perform more than adequately to the accompaniment of the beautiful chamber music, and the ending is well scripted, but it's not up to full marks with me. 90% ()