
Przed Bożym Narodzeniem drzewo zamieszkiwane przez wiewiórki - Alvina, Szymona i Teodora, zostaje ścięte i przetransportowane razem z mieszkańcami do Los Angeles. Ma być ozdobą firmy płytowej Jett Records, prowadzonej przez Iana Hawka. Kompozytor Dave Seville od dawna bezskutecznie stara się o kontrakt z wytwórnią. Po raz kolejny odesłany z kwitkiem, nieświadomie zabiera do domu trójkę futrzanych przyjaciół, którzy zaskakują go talentem muzycznym. Dave postanawia nagrać wspólnie z nimi piosenkę, która okazuje się hitem. (TVP)


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wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski Yes, I suffered. And unfortunately, there was no escape. It's a prototype of the American family spectacle designed for the broadest audience, hence the script is written and performed to match the taste of the typical mass viewer. If it had just stayed with the plush chipmunks, it would be somewhat kitschy, yet still tolerable as children's entertainment. However, the presence of busty actresses and sleek hunks clearly aimed at the adult accompaniment - who are presumed to have the taste and mental breadth of a five-year-old child - underscores the issues. This type of mass production is simply not for me. Overall impression: 15%. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski Even though I had initial issues with Jason Lee, because of whom I wanted to see this movie - and I still had that issue upon second viewing - it always eventually grabs me, and I quite enjoy this singing trio. Moreover, Cameron Richardson also played in it, and I’ve just loved this actress ever since I saw her in House. ()



wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski The new generation of children is not going to care about the ancient roots of these cartoons and will greedily and contentedly consume only what is fashionable today. Nothing more, nothing less. ()

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