
Niezwykłe losy zwykłych ludzi poszukujących miłości i szczęścia: oto temat filmu C.R.A.Z.Y. - wyjątkowej historii rodzinnej. Głównym bohaterem jest Zac Beaulieu, urodzony 25 grudnia 1960 roku, różniący się od pozostałych braci, lecz desperacko próbujący się do nich upodobnić. W przeciągu kolejnych 20 lat życie zabierze Zaca w zaskakującą i nieoczekiwaną podróż, która ostatecznie każe mu zaakceptować swą prawdziwą naturę i, co ważniejsze, doprowadzi do tego, że jego ojciec pokocha go za to, kim jest naprawdę. Lata 1960-1980 upływają Zacowi w towarzystwie braci, rockowej muzyki, na motocyklowych eskapadach, mających zaimponować dziewczętom, wypalanych w tajemnicy papierosach, drobnych i większych nieporozumieniach, oraz – co najważniejsze – próbach znalezienia zrozumienia u ojca. Jest tam miejsce na muzykę i bunt, humor, a wreszcie także mistyczną podróż do „końca ziemi" – gdzie być może wreszcie uda mu się znaleźć to, czego szuka... (Gutek Film)


Recenzje (4)


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angielski Emotional immersion without cheap blackmail through visual games à la Jean-Pierre Jeunet. Perhaps only the director's persistent attempt to shoot through reflections (in a mirror, glass or glasses) becomes tired and annoying towards the end. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski At first glance, C.R.A.Z.Y. seems like a pretty average and unremarkable film, but once it gets going, it’s absolutely fantastic. It’s a beautifully told story about a boy and his struggles, captured in a way that’s just stunning. Every scene is a joy to watch, with emotions running high throughout, and the soundtrack ties it all together to create a truly memorable cinematic experience. ()



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angielski There are bad movies that everyone knows, and there are excellent movies that escape people's attention. I stumbled upon C.R.A.Z.Y. by chance and didn't expect anything from this Canadian comedy. My surprise was even greater when I realized how pleasant and impressive this film is. There are plenty of stories about difficult adolescence, but this movie manages to be original, mixing humorous elements with tragic moments, and it feels completely realistic in all stages. It is a testimony to a certain time when men still played the role of family providers but gradually lost ground as emancipation took place. The perception of homosexuality was also changing, but the problem of drugs emerged, and all of this is ventilated in C.R.A.Z.Y. It is very well acted, but its biggest advantage is the clever script. A film that pleases and sticks in my memory. Overall impression: 90%. ()


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angielski C.R.A.Z.Y. is a two-hour long and incredible journey with countless peripeteia and dramas aimed at self-discovery in the most complex period of human life - adolescence. We follow the fate of one (a)typical family whose members experience their small and big joys and sorrows. The cast was well chosen and each actor was perfectly suited to their character. The serious line of the film was enriched with fantasy scenes and all this was underlined by a slightly humorous level, which provided a certain degree of lightness. The entire running time was fully utilized and it is almost unbelievable how much action was packed into it. In short, a film that plays no games and tries to highlight issues that can affect any family, anywhere in the world. ()

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