
Po przerażającej kosmicznej katastrofie statku obcych niewielkie miasteczko w stanie Kolorado staje w obliczu niewyobrażalnego zagrożenia - obcy mordują wszystkich, których spotkają i jednocześnie „produkują" niezliczoną liczbę swoich potomków. Na miejsce przybywa samotny Predator, by zapobiec inwazji. Rozpoczyna się walka na śmierć i życie, bez reguł, bez litości, a setki niewinnych ludzi znajdują się w samym jej centrum. Gdy masakra potworów trwa, rząd planuje wykorzystać sytuację do własnych celów. (Imperial Cinepix)


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wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski It's as if you were walking around a fair's House of Horror with exclusive exhibits, but you couldn't see anything because there’s a blackout. In the night scenes (which make up two-thirds of the film), the Straus brothers deliver confusingly edited action sequences drowned in darkness, in which many times you have no idea who is killing whom, who is shooting at whom, and whether this creature is a predator or an alien boss. The brothers prove with their script that they can squeeze some water out of a rock, but they shouldn’t have got behind the camera. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski The script is great for this type of film, even though it lacks original ideas and the characters are not depicted in detail, but it’s action packed and without any boring moments. What the directors made from it, however, is sadly a different story. The hard to follow, badly edited action scenes, which make up about 80% of the movie, look like a direct-to-DVD C-movie with Michael Paré. Especially the shootouts with the army will make you shake your head in disbelief. That’s too bad, because the decent production values and cult status of Aliens and Predator put together could have amounted to a spectacular B-movie. ()



wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski I had the same problem as with the first one: it became boring after a few minutes. That’s surprising because there’s something going on almost all the time – the aliens killing someone or fighting with the predator – but it’s executed in such a sterile and dull way that it almost makes you sad when you imagine how it could have been if… If the action scenes weren’t confusing, if the characters uttered sensible dialogues, if the extraterrestrial monsters were shown in full at least for a bit, or if it focused more on the atmosphere – in other words, if someone else had directed. The final impression is a little bit better than with the first one, but still weak. AvP 3 this time in space and without Straus, please. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski Another lobotomy of the alien race, accompanied this time by exquisitely bad performances from the people of Earth. The creative duo of Greg and Colin Strause deserves respect for not restarting anything and dutifully picking up where Paul W.S. Anderson so haltingly left off, but apart from the impressive Predalien, nothing of what they do is entertaining. The respectable gaming and comic book series remains cursed in terms of film. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski What bothers me most about this crossover series is the fact that the creators have sucked the soul out of two icons of horror sci-fi, leaving us with only a marketing product. It’s dressed up and packaged to attract the masses and neutered enough to hurt anyone drawn to the series with any sort of sympathy. The Brothers Strause understood the task perfectly, but in looking at the individual parts, they didn't understand a single one. And so they ride a wave of references (mostly to Cameron), which they intersperse with fashionable zigzags between the boundaries of correctness (dead children and pregnant women, an interesting kill list). The result is an unwanted B-movie dominated by... the Predator. His sovereign hunting instincts entertain about as much as the Aliens have been relegated to the role of expendable insects. I’d say that kids would be entertained, but my 13-year-old brother told me that it would be better to adapt the game than to create this... shit (I added). ()

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