
Po tragicznym wypadku, w którym giną jego koledzy z ekipy, doświadczony ratownik Ben Randall przeżywa poważne załamanie. Obwinia się o śmierć współpracowników i myśli o zakończeniu służby. Ostatecznie zostaje oddelegowany do szkolenia młodych kandydatów do elitarnej amerykańskiej Straży Wybrzeża. Wśród jego uczniów jest bardzo utalentowany, lecz również wyjątkowo zarozumiały pływak, Jake Fischer. (Galapagos)


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angielski For two hours, I waited for a ballbusting scene that would give this slow-flowing, two-dimensional mess from the life of the undaunted Guardians some nails, a crown, or perhaps just a hint of shine. Unfortunately, what we see in the end hardly competes with a reality show on the Discovery Channel, and the actual point of the story then playfully fits back into the average Hollywood gimmick. Watching the story of two very schematic heroic types is bearable, but not exciting. But at least Costner found a certain personal charm. Between ** and ***. I don't which one I’m closer to. ()



wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski A pleasant old-school movie about a teacher and a pupil which pulls Kevin Costner out of the waters of gray mediocrity. There’s not much I can say about the predictable story, but every so often you need to lie back and relax in front of a movie and let yourself be taken off down a familiar road. Ashton Kutcher also acts quite well and the action scenes on the sea have something a special oomph. It passed by nicely. P.S.: The ending was a tearjerker. ;-) ()


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angielski Kevin Costner as the charismatic mentor sufficiently surpassing the newbie Ashton Kutcher. Eighty percent of the running time takes place in a training camp and serves up only routine scenes depicting the mentor getting closer to his pupil, the pupil with a chick and some friendly backslapping. When the heroes finally get outside, there comes a forced ending that seeks to give depth and meaning to the whole thing. That is a pity. Even so, thanks to the lead acting duo, The Guardian remains a nice leisure-time movie and a much less of a screw-up than Men of Honor. ()


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angielski The beginning holds much promise. The second part of the movie keeps that “promise" with honor. The trouble is that the two entertaining parts of the movie are separated from each other by a boringly trivial and unbearably long training camp. Otherwise it more less works as it should. From the impressive stormy waters through the pretty good cast to the respectable technical side. Even without the training drill this is no miracle, but at least an exceedingly well-made genre movie which are so scarce these days. But the training, the training spoils it all. And completely unnecessarily... ()

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