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  • Stany Zjednoczone The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (więcej)


20 sierpnia 1973 roku patrol policji został wysłany do mieszkającego na odludziu Thomas'a Hewitt'a, byłego pracownika lokalnej rzeźni w Travis County, w Teksasie. Policjanci nie byli przygotowani na widok, który tam zastali. To, co znaleźli, przekroczyło ich najśmielsze oczekiwania - były to rozczłonkowane zwłoki około 33 ofiar. Makabryczne odkrycie dogłębnie wstrząsnęło opinią publiczną. Nosząc na twarzy groteskową maskę, zrobioną ze ściągniętej skóry twarzy zamordowanych ofiar i z elektryczną piłą w ręce, zabójca, znany odtąd jako Skórzana Twarz, zdobył niechlubną popularność, kiedy to sensacyjne nagłówki gazet w całych Stanach zaczęły głosić: "Naród zaszokowany makabrycznym znaleziskiem - masakra w Teksasie". Władze lokalne doniosły w końcu o zastrzeleniu człowieka noszącego maskę z ludzkiej skóry i podejrzanie szybko zakończyły całą sprawę. W następnych latach pojawiły się spekulacje, czy policja nie chcąc szybko zakończyć sprawy zastrzeliła niewinnego, podstawionego człowieka. Teraz po raz pierwszy, jedyny człowiek, który ocalał z rzezi, zdecydował się przerwać milczenie i opowiedzieć, co naprawdę stało się na opuszczonej teksańskiej autostradzie, kiedy to grupa pięciu młodych ludzi została napadnięta przez szaleńca z elektryczna piłą w ręce, (SPI)


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Recenzje (9)


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski Bugger me! The remake not only surpasses the original in every way, but it also makes my personal top 20. This is exactly how it's supposed to be! Likable characters you can empathize with to the max, a dirty and gritty look, an incredible build-up of atmosphere and tension, a brilliantly acted deranged family, from the sheriff to the disgusting old crone (I've had a phobia of very ugly old people since I was a kid), and most importantly, Leatherface, who takes absolutely no shit from anyone, the man chases his victims until his last breath, a constant chainsaw to boot, and for perhaps the first time in my life I found myself cringing and feeling very uneasy during a horror movie. I absolutely bought into the actors role as I found myself running away from the terrifying Leatherface. I got exactly what the original lacked. Great! 100%! ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski At the moment when the camera goes through a bullet hole and it's neither cool nor impressive, but just unnecessarily disgusting, I should have realized that the whole movie would be like that. Minor whispering turns into total disaster with relentlessly annoying characters, only one powerful scene, and another stolen from The Blair Witch Project. ()



wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski The bleakness of the backwoods setting, where you’d only stop if your car broke down could, be felt much more intensely in the original, but Nispel's film has a certain amount of atmosphere. The casting is pretty good, the representatives of the local rednecks and brutes are really disgusting and their appearance and behaviour adds to the film's impact. But while watching Hooper's original I felt horror, dismay and disgust at Leatherface's family, that panopticon of creepy creatures, Nispel's film didn't produce similarly intense feelings. Some scenes looked spectacular, but they were quite illogical, and the final chase did not avoid the clichés that have been repeated countless times. Leatherface in Hooper's film was a believable character, a weirdo with a rather perverted hobby; Nispel's swung his chainsaw too much, making his behaviour seem unnatural and out of touch with reality. I guess that's why I wasn't scared, there was no deeper experience and Nispel's film became in my eyes just one of many teenage slashers. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski So: A chilling atmosphere, constant tension, ever-present fear... None of that is in the new Texas Chainsaw Massacre. One star was earned by the music, the other by the bright exceptions (about two scenes that really had something to them). An unnecessary remake. What struck me, however, is that the film is set in 1973, but you can't really tell. Odd. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski Purely superficial, self-indulgent entertainment. As a maker of music videos, director Marcus Nispel is capable of spectacularly filming things of zero narrative value. The camerawork and its colour filters are reminiscent of David Fincher and, together with the dark music, contribute to the film’s dense and bleak atmosphere. But the non-existent plot build-up, the ineffective scares and the absence of mystery are more reminiscent of the cheap assembly-line productions by 1970s Italian trash directors (Joe D'Amato, for example). On top of that, the film is extremely disgusting. Seven also disgusted me in its own way, but it also impressed me with its wonderfully over-the-top and polished screenplay and deep ideas. I simply found The Texas Chainsaw Massacre repulsive. Count me among its victims. ()

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