
Na prywatnej wyspie ma odbyć się uczta przygotowana przez Juliana Slowika – kulinarnego celebrytę, szefa wszystkich szefów kuchni. W biesiadzie weźmie udział grupa smakoszy – a także Margot, osoba towarzysząca w tym gronie, ignorantka w sprawie smaku. Gastronomiczna celebracja będzie pełna niespodzianek. I nie każda z nich okaże się przyjemna. Akcja już niebawem przybierze mroczny obrót. (Canal+)


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Recenzje (11)


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski Another shallow satirical slurry built on prefabricated procedures and assiduous masking of fast-food ideas with a conceptual masquerade. It’s neither insightful, nor funny, nor shocking. It’s nothing. They invite you in for a refined dining experience and serve you something that looks fancy but tastes like a burger from the drive-through window. No compliments to the chef. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski It's been a while since I've enjoyed every single minute of a movie this much. From the start, you never know what’s coming next, which keeps you hooked and entertained throughout. The cast is fantastic, with Ralph Fiennes delivering an especially standout performance. The plot is a blend of horror, drama, and dark comedy, but it balances these elements perfectly without going overboard in any direction. An unexpected delight that's definitely worth watching. ()



wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski A satire through the culinary arts (not original in that respect) that initially combines tension with humour while setting up the characters for a "breaking point" in an exemplary way. But everything it wants to say, it's said in the first half and... And then nothing. In the second half it's just gropes and somehow stumbles to the conclusion. Moreover, after the "break" it's downright woeful in the character work, which retroactively devalues the beginning. Everything is "aptly and sophisticatedly satirised" in the first half and the second half works just fine thanks to the actors, who do their best not to let it sink completely. It should have been a short instead of a feature film. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski An entertaining satire, only lightly tinged with horror, that sacrifices pure genre pleasure in the second half, which would have required at least a basic believability of the characters' behaviour to keep the concept going, and, as a result, it ironically becomes part of what it’s mocking. That said, the fun more or less doesn't let up, and the great actors pull it off. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski SPOILERS! Such potential. And such a mediocre film. Instead of an intelligent sociological study of the conflict between social classes, The Menu turned out to be a bittersweet tale about an angry chef who punishes some for once criticizing his cooking and others for something else completely unrelated. And this tale is told in an unimaginative and, in places, even silly way (the theatrical punishment of the angel investor, without whom the chef wouldn’t even have had a restaurant). The main villain is worthy of zero respect. Even the character of the restaurant critic is not construed as a metaphor for the film reviewers who would like to rip this film. The main character (Anya Taylor-Joy) is the only one who makes sense with her perception of the situation and her reactions to it. She also gives the plot concept the only imaginative creative impetus by revealing her identity. A weak three stars. ()

Galeria (14)