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Wanneer het dode lichaam van een vrouw aangetroffen wordt, is het aan Cassie Mayweather en haar nieuwe partner Sam Kennedy om de dader te vinden. Het onderzoek leidt naar twee tieners, die een pact hebben gesloten om samen de perfecte moord te plegen. Er ontstaat een kat-en-muis spel tussen de jongens en de detectives. (Warner Bros. Pictures)

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alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels A well above average crime drama starring the excellent Sandra Bullock and the perfectly sleazy Ryan Gosling. The biggest plus of Murder by Numbers is the well developed script, which quite successfully broke away from typical genre clichés and played with the dialogue quite well. There’s nothing to do but recommend it. 85% ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels An inoffensive "retro" crime drama that combines a clever narrative style, a "perfect murder" element and a great acting trio of Michael Pitt, Sandra Bullock and Ryan Gosling. It lacks a more intense finale and more surprises to make it a better four stars, but otherwise I'm more than satisfied and certainly wasn't bored, as the whole set-up and watching the clever detective-killer interaction is quite entertaining and compelling. ()



alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels In its time, Murder by Numbers aroused great acclaim. I liked the young ferocious acting of Michael Pitt and Ryan Gosling, the different level of the stalwart Sandra Bullock, and of course the romance between the young Gosling and older colleague Bullock, which suitably complemented the promotion. Some went so far as to see in the film a sequel to such classics as Dahl's short story "Lamb to the Slaughter" or the classic Hitchcock film Rope. I wouldn't go that far. However, it is a good experience. Especially in hindsight, knowing that both Pitt and Gosling were going places. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels An interesting theme and the perfect Ryan Gosling make Murder by Numbers more than just another in a series of average intelligent thrillers. The resulting impression is spoiled by the final passage, which would fit more into a B-movie, and the unconvincing performance by Sandra Bullock. But no one would expect a characterful performance from her, would they? ()

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