
Manu en Nadine zijn allebei nog jong, maar hebben al een moeilijk leven achter de rug. Door een speling van het lot ontmoeten de twee vrouwen elkaar. Ze besluiten bij elkaar te blijven, hun twee favoriete bezigheden, seks en geweldpleging, te combineren en te genieten van het leven. Zoiets kan nooit lang duren. (A-Film Benelux)

Recensie (3)

POMO booh!

alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels To many “details” for a normal film, too little copulation for a porn flick. And for a controversial experiment, it’s too cheap, literal, amateurish and, mainly, COMPLETELY aimless. A disgusting, unnecessary provocation. ()


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Engels Aside from the fact that the film excels in pornographic scenes, or at least close-ups, it's topped off with some pretty violent scenes, with blood surprisingly being the most common splashing liquid. There are some scenes, especially one near the very end, that have a good idea and manage to shock, but since Fuck Me isn't really about anything else, it remains a bad movie. I quite like what the authors attempted, but it could have used an even better story. And perhaps more enjoyable acting performances. ()


Galerie (16)