Heavy Trip

  • Finland Hevi reissu (meer)
Trailer 1


Turo is blijven hangen in een klein dorpje in Finland. Het hoogtepunt in zijn dagelijks leven is dat hij de leadzanger is bij een amateur heavy metal-bandje met de naam Impaled Rektum. Het enige probleem is dat ze na twaalf jaar repeteren nog steeds geen enkel optreden hebben gehad. Wanneer ze onverwachts bezoek krijgen van een promotor van een groot heavy metal-festival in Noorwegen, besluiten ze alles op alles te zetten om hun dromen waar te maken. Bizarre Finse komedie met heavy metal, grafschennis, een Vikinghemel en gewapend conflict tussen Finland en Noorwegen. (Noordelijk Film Festival)


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Trailer 1

Recensie (6)


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels This is a feel-good movie about a wannabe heavy metal band, a bunch of village misfits, trying to make it to the big time, without actually knowing how to do it. There is a gentle humour, a relaxed atmosphere, a positive vibe, and just some very good ideas going on in this movie (taking a promotional photo using police radar was genius!). I won't be using any real superlatives for this movie, but I did enjoy it and it was decently paced. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels "Better to shit yourself than to be forever constipated." - This quote sums this up pretty well... I don't think I've ever seen a musical comedy this good. Since its creators come from Finland, it had to be about hairy metalheads. I willingly admit without torture that I really laughed, even though their was sometimes a hint of awkwardness to this. But if I focus on the best jokes, they totally blew my mind: for example, when they were taking promotional photos using a radar speed gun. Or else, for instance, the singer vomiting on stage was also a good touch. The very nutritious soundtrack remains a matter of course. (80%) ()



alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels This festival crowd-pleaser safely adheres to the proven concept of outsider refining melodrama. However, with a detached view and a lot of earthy and, in places, even folksy humour, it examines the subculture of mega-brutal metal. Avowed devotees of metal  who still believe that Beelzebub can be conjured by playing a record backwards will be outraged by the film’s sacrilegious approach, but everyone who rather finds videos with dudes wearing the warpaint of sad clowns to be cute or funny will have a good time. 7/10 ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels Finally, once again something I can call a completely crazy film-making trip. And after a long while, something directed by the Finns, who, when they express themselves in a comedy, are simply worth it. Dark humor is intertwined with absurd humor and everything is under the rule of a brutal death pagan folk black metal band from a place near Oulu, which plays as if Odin himself sent them to Earth, but nobody has really heard them play yet. There is a ton of references, some of them are pop culture ones, so you have to know the metal subculture a bit; at least in terms of music choices, which create an absolutely magnificent soundtrack. But there is also a number of scenes that are universal and can entertain even those not fond of metal music. They are just a little bit darker than would be desirable. But what can you do, that’s the Finns for you. When they do something, they do it until they are sweating blood, and either it doesn’t work or it’s brutally entertaining. And here it worked perfectly; an A+ movie. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels What a kick in the Impaled Rectum! I have found many times that the Finnish sense of humor simply resonates with me, and this piece of vomit was right up my alley. If you have a problem with my choice of words in this review, watch the film first, you’ll understand. Finally, a film with a decent soundtrack. While the hostile northern Europe is full of these kick-ass metal bands, warmer climates give rise to whiny hits, with Enrique Iglesias in the lead. I had a great time, and I probably won't get the greeting of Lotvonen's father out of my head anytime soon. ()

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