Magic Mike XXL

  • USA Magic Mike XXL (meer)
Trailer 1


Drie jaar zijn verstreken sinds Mike de stripperwereld vaarwel zei. De overgebleven 'Kings of Tampa' staan nu ook op het punt om de handdoek in de ring te gooien. Maar ze willen niet in stilte afscheid nemen en plannen een groots optreden in Myrtle Beach, samen met de legendarische Magic Mike. Op weg naar hun laatste optreden stoppen ze in Jacksonville en Savannah voor wat proefoptredens. Daar leren ze nieuwe mensen kennen, komen ze op de proppen met wat nieuwe moves en schudden ze op een verrassende manier het verleden van zich af. (Warner Bros. Pictures)


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Trailer 1

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alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels While Soderbergh tries to be more dramatic in Magic Mike, his sequel with the lewd subtitle XXL has already fully embarked on the path of an undemanding summer comedy. Worth noting is that he admittedly focused the film primarily on women, but the intention of the creators was probably to appeal to both sexes - it's basically a man’s road-movie about macho men who act like tough guys and make jokes that are ironically intended more for men. Meanwhile, women can enjoy the stripper performances, of which there are much more than in the first one, and they also have better choreography. The plot, on the other hand, is downright horrible and the dialogues appalling, with the attempt to imprint some more serious psychology or personal problems on the main protagonists, it completely misses the mark, because it is a banality through which the authors try to disguise that the aim of the film is to show the muscles and partial nudity of the main protagonists. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels The scene from the gas station was the only funny scene in the whole film. Even I appreciated it and had a good laugh. The rest of the film is an unbelievable monstrosity which shows exactly that kind of pop culture I hate. And if anybody wants to get upset about why I watched it at all then I would like to point out that I watched it by chance and basically by mistake. I was wondering if the film got any better than the first instalment but it didn’t. My impression is that the creators tried hard to come up with something new but they failed. ()



alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels All that's left of the social drama is a highly stylized attraction that, while it has a few deaf spots in the middle, entertains quite well with engaging characters and many amusing moments. Visually, it's not as interesting and polished as the first one – Steven Soderbergh probably doesn't try as hard behind the camera and in the editing room when he's not directing himself – but as a popcorn movie it's OK. Thumbs up for the fact that the filmmakers went to the trouble of portraying the supporting characters better, which at times is considerably deeper than in a regular consumer comedy. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels I did not like this very much. Two hours for this is way too much, especially when everyone is waiting for the final performance, which, it must be admitted, is truly the highlight. It’s enjoyable, and even as a guy, I found it entertaining. Excellent choreography and especially great dancers. But somehow I didn't feel that this film had the depth it wanted to present. It’s very boring as a road movie. ()

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