Sex Actually

  • Australië The Little Death

Streaming (1)


Seks, liefde, relaties en taboes. Een kijkje achter de gesloten deuren van een schijnbaar doodnormale straat laat ons kennis maken met de slaapkamergeheimen van vijf verschillende koppels. Een man die een affaire begint met zijn eigen vrouw zonder dat zij het zelf beseft, een vrouw die opgewonden raakt door het verdriet van haar man en een callcentermedewerker die een wel heel vreemd gesprek moet vertalen. (Remain in Light)


Video's (2)


Recensie (5)


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels French is a beautiful language – where "dead nature" means a still life and "small death" means an orgasm. In this movie you see quite a few orgasms in various situations. I have enriched my terminology with some sexual deviations I had never heard of before. An entertaining mosaic of people struggling in sexual relationships with a slightly unusual outcome. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels A movie right up my alley. It's a straightforward comedy without any weird twists or nonsensical plots, and yet (or precisely because of that), I was royally entertained. The fact that people have different sexual tastes is hardly surprising. Some I understand and I can relate to them, others not so much, but basically, if both sides consent to it, it’s none of my business what they do. I didn’t think anything would surprise me anymore, but honestly, I have never heard of dacryphilia. Sounds terrifying. I enjoyed the stories of all the couples very much, Steve’s tactics in introducing himself were hilarious, but it was the phone calls that almost had me wet my pants. I was so entertained by this Australian film that I can't go below five stars. ()



alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels A comedy you just can't make up. A woman gets aroused by tears, so she constantly makes her husband cry by thinking about the death of his parents or chopping onions. A husband and wife trying out a role play where he gets so caught up in it that he doesn't want his identity back. A woman longing to be raped by her husband and an operator for the deaf and dumb to interpret an erotic line for him through sign language. Entertaining to high heaven and pretty sensitive towards the end, a relaxing feel-good movie that you don't even want it to end. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels One of those movies where you're sorry it doesn't have an extra half hour. The Little Death is a decent competitor to Wild Tales, though that one went much more into the thriller genre. This is just a blackly humorous anthology comedy based on sexual escapades, and all the couples have something to offer and definitely impress. I was most amused by Dana and Evie with their costumes and Maeve and Josh with their attempted rape, but even the final couple with their phone calls had great power and charm. Perfect stuff and huge fun. 80% ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels The film managed to hold my attention, both thematically and in terms of how the themes were addressed. People have various quirks that build barriers between them, even in the case of people very close to each other. This film beautifully illustrates how high those barriers can be, but also how they can be torn down. Some of the parts are well connected. ()

Galerie (15)