
Voormalig wonderkind Frank, getekend door teleurstelling, en Casey, een pientere, optimistische tiener die barst van de wetenschappelijke nieuwsgierigheid, delen hetzelfde lot. Samen gaan ze op een gevaarlijke missie om de geheimen te onthullen van een mysterieuze plek die zich in een andere dimensie bevindt, en alleen bekend staat als Tomorrowland. Na wat ze daar moeten doen zal de wereld, en zijzelf, nooit meer hetzelfde zijn. (The Walt Disney Company Benelux)


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alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels At first I got worried when I say this is a Disney production, but in the end the film exceeded my low expectations and I had an above average time. I was slightly disoriented by the first half because of the flashbacks, but I got used to it and accepted the creative play that this was a teen sci-fi flick and not a dark blockbuster, with the kids in the theater predominating. Decent visual effects, a fascinating world of tomorrow, a fairly unorthodox premise, nice actors and a decent pace. The highlight was definitely the robot attack on George Clooney's house, who outsmarted everyone with his inventions and gadgets. PS: The cameo by Keegan Michael Key was a delight. 70% ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels Brad Bird already proved in The Iron Giant that he has a flair for retro children's stories. Tomorrowland continues with a tribute to the 1960s and the futuristic positivism of the time. And like Saving Mr. Banks, it's a story from real Disney history. Which in and of itself is fascinating. ()



alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels If I have to sit in the cinema for almost two and a quarter hours for a story with boring characters, boring twists and an ending that doesn't make much sense, it would be nice if there was at least something to watch. But there's only about fifteen minutes of Tomorrowland in total. The rest of it is mostly driving an old car around the countryside and babbling about nothing. This was probably meant to be a family film for everyone, but nobody will like it. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels Cute, a little bit stupid, non-offensive. What more can I say about Tomorrowland? I can see that the movie had great ambitions; digitally, it was amazing and George Clooney wouldn’t take just any gig, but the overall story is so strange that it’s actually a good thing that they only ended up shooting one movie. The first time, it was okay with my eyes half-closed, but if I were to watch it again, I’d have to have a blindfold on. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels The promise of something gigantic, luring you to the world of the future isn’t quite fulfilled at the end. It leads more to dystopia. This is one of those old school fairytales that are fine, but I can’t shake the feeling that they could be better. Clooney wasn’t right here and the young cutie is certainly no child. Laurie dominates (although not so much at the end) and the effects are super. Don’t be put off by the criticism. Despite my reservations, I liked it a lot. P.S.: I was pleased about the band of acquaintances from Stargate and the geeky merch in the store. ()

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