Bron - Série 1

Misdaad / Thriller / Mysterie
Zweden / Denemarken / Duitsland, 2011, 9 h 31 min (Aantal minuten: 57–58 min)


Hans Rosenfeldt


Sofia Helin, Kim Bodnia, Dag Malmberg, Puk Scharbau, Emil Birk Hartmann, Rafael Pettersson, Anette Lindbäck, Said Legue, Kristina Brändén Whitaker (meer)
(meer functies)



The body of a woman is found in the middle of the Øresund Bridge. Half of it belongs to a Swedish politician, the other half to a Danish prostitute. Trapped in the middle of the bridge connecting Sweden and Denmark, a bi-national investigatory team is put together to solve the crime. Laid-back Danish family man, Martin, and Swedish single woman, Saga, have to work together to stop the horrific staged murders before the terrorist wins over public opinion with his anti-corruption agenda. (Arrow Films)


Recensie (3)


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels Illustrative example of how the globally recognized Czech dubbing can spoil the surprise and point. It made me really angry and then influenced my overall impression and rating of the first series. It is of course typically Nordic, suspenseful and like in every Nordic detective story, there is an interesting character named Saga. Despite the disappointment with the surprise, the last two episodes were still captivating and hopefully something similar will not happen again in the second series. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker (over deze serie)

Engels Many hundreds of tons of water have rolled under the bridge since I first saw the series, so I didn't exactly remember the plot. What I remembered perfectly, however, was the impression the show made on me at the time. I was all the more pleased that the first season hadn't lost its charm for me even after all those years, and I was once again hooked on a well-written story with a perfect atmosphere and damn interesting characters. / Lesson learned: Some nations build bridges across the sea, others tunnel under it, and the story of Moses is suddenly not as cool as it used to be. ()



alle recensies van de gebruiker (over deze serie)

Engels This is a very good series that will interest anyone who likes detective stories. This one is Nordic, so it's also quite gritty, but above all the characters are well-developed. The two central detectives are both simply good, perfectly mismatched, and that works perfectly for them. It was only the plot that disappointed me a little bit in terms of its revelation. I expected it to be a bit more sophisticated and surprising. Even so, this series easily holds your attention. ()

Galerie (99)