
The Greatest Showman is een muzikaal spektakel over het ontstaan van de showbusiness en het gevoel van verwondering dat ontstaat als dromen werkelijkheid worden. De film is geïnspireerd door de ambitie en fantasie van P.T. Barnum. Barnum was een visionair die zich van niets wist te ontwikkelen tot het brein achter een betoverend spektakel dat wereldwijd publiek aansprak en in vervoering bracht. (20th Century Fox)


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alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels I admit I only have myself to blame. I didn’t do enough research before watching the film, so I thought it was going to be a biopic about P.T. Barnum. I had no idea it was a musical until the first song. Too bad, I’m not a fan of musicals, and while the filmmakers put together great sets and costumes, the modern music was too distracting. Overall, I felt that two stars should be enough, but eventually I decided to add another one because I appreciate the 19th century setting. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels I admit I’m not a die-hard fan of musicals, but the trailers for The Greatest Showman took my breath away, and the glowing reviews had me thinking I wouldn't regret watching it. And I didn’t. Before the screening, we were warned about the elevated sound volume, so I expected my ears might not be too happy the next day. But I’m genuinely glad for it because the sound is crucial to the film. All the songs stuck in my head so much that they kept replaying in my mind on the way home. A musical isn’t just about the music but also the choreography, which was executed so perfectly that the final result was worth it. The film also boasts a story that isn’t just a minor addition but is substantial, makes sense, and is supported by historical context. The dialogues were not dumb, and some even evoked emotions in the audience. I think we don’t even need to discuss the actors. Hugh Jackman fulfilled his lifelong dream, lending his character an amazing voice, and most importantly, he clearly enjoyed filming, which enhanced the film overall. It’s a powerful, emotionally charged film that fills you with joy during the holiday season, making you forget everything else during its 105 minutes. I give it 88%. ()



alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels The Greatest Showman features great songs and a hardworking Hugh Jackman, but its pace makes it impossible to develop all of the themes and characters within the given runtime to make the movie work as it should. It’s as if twenty, rather important minutes had disappeared somewhere. The magical Rebecca Ferguson appears in a fantastic yet unfortunately incomplete and underused role. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels What he lacks in terms of the screenplay, he makes up for in everything else. The story is a cut-out from start to finish, held together only by the audience's tolerance and their level of personal investment in true love stories that simply pop up in an instant. But it's got such heart! With every smile or gesture from Hugh Jackman, it is clear that this is the project he was praying for, and now he is enjoying every second of it. The songs A are a category unto themselves, with not a single weak number among them, definitively making us forget the fact that all the plot twists or relationships are happening a little too much as if on wires. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels A wonderful story and one of the best musicals. The songs are very fine and thankfully not at all annoying. Hugh Jackman as P.T. Barnum is superb, but it's also a pleasure to see Rebecca Ferguson, whose voice brings down not only the house but my apartment, the cool Zac Efron and the gorgeous Zendaya, who is quite possibly a new discovery of beauty. I've always liked the circus environment, so I enjoyed not only the recruitment of talented people, but also the performances themselves. A very nice, moving and beautiful experience.80% ()

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