
Als een Amerikaanse toeriste tijdens een vakantie haar ideale man ontmoet, besluiten ze te trouwen. Bij terugkomst in Amerika staat hun idyllische leventje als snel op zijn kop als ze erachter komen dat hun buren wellicht huurmoordenaars zijn die het op hun leven lijken te hebben gemunt... (A-Film Benelux)

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alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels Maybe it was all right near the end, it had good pacing, there weren’t really any sparks between the main couple but there could have been. It's just that then you turn it off and think about it, you realize what incredibly nonsensical garbage you just watched. Basically, I don't even know what I'm giving the two stars for. I guess for the pacing and the fact that I didn't fall asleep. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels A surprisingly decent mind breather. I don’t like Ashton Kutcher much, but Katherine Heigl is enough for both… Several scenes are a little cringe inducing (the beginning), but there are more that are good. I will have forgotten watching it in a couple of days, but right now I have a pretty positive impression. 5/10 ()



alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels Except for one hilarious scene where Katherine roughly walks with a gun up her skirt, this movie was pretty boring. Until now, I had no idea Ashton Kutcher could not entertain me. Maybe it was the bad script, maybe it was Katherine, who, in my opinion, didn't look very pretty in the movie... either way, I expected more. NOT GREAT. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels Robert Luketic simply cannot be relied on. He can occasionally produce a nice genre film, but sometimes he stumbles and suddenly comes up with Killers who pretty much only succeed in killing Katherine Heigl's film career and sidelining her into struggling B-movies. Ashton Kutcher's attempts at spy action feel forced, the chemistry between the main duo doesn't work either in terms of appearance or dialogue, and the humor was abandoned already in the first scene in Nice. This vanity project, considering the otherwise good actors and screenwriters, can only be seen as a shameful mistake. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels It happens occasionally that I get to a film via its soundtrack. For example, I discovered Killers through the brisk music of one of my favorite contemporary composers, Rolfe Kent. And I'm glad it helped me find this film. Especially in comparison to the debacle Knight and Day, this film feels like a fresh and perhaps original spectacle full of gentle humor and a relaxed atmosphere. Ashton Kutcher (how is that possible??) was not the least bit unsympathetic and he and Katherine Heigl made an interesting couple, but the crown of the cast was put on by the excellent daddy Tom Selleck. Don't be discouraged, endure the first more or less conversational half hour, and I think you'll be entertained by Killers. From the car chase scene to the reactivation of agents of all kinds to the funny ending, I round up a decent three and a half - purely in reference to Tom and Cameron, who lacked everything that can be found in this film. ()

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