Alpha and Omega

Trailer 1


De twee jonge wolven Kate en Humphrey worden gevangen genomen door parkwachters en ver van hun vertrouwde omgeving vandaan gehaald. Kate en Humphrey ontsnappen, maar staan er plots helemaal alleen voor en moeten overleven in de koude wildernis. (A-Film Benelux)

Video's (4)

Trailer 1

Recensie (3)


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels An example of routinely produced animated kitsch devoid of a shred of originality and artistic invention, compounded by the worst possible handling of computer animation. Overall impression: 20%. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels A variation on the "Romeo and Juliet" story, except here it's essentially wild dogs, and also it's an animated comedy for children. It has a family-friendly facade, but this is really primarily for children. Adults won't find much to enjoy here. Even though there are moments of supposed tension, it's clear from the beginning how each scene will turn out. There's no innovation even in the animation, which is polished but empty. ()



alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels Compared to the animated films of today, this one is really lame. There was no great adventure here and is it completely lacking humor. The story is not engaging for a young child, let alone an adult. The animation is not particularly well done either. I feel that this is more of a romance for children... which doesn’t quite make sense. For me, a good candidate for worst animated film of the last 10 years... barely 2 stars. ()

Galerie (30)