Sex and the City 2

  • USA Sex and the City 2
Trailer 2
Komedie / Drama / Romantisch
USA, 2010, 140 min


Het leven van de meiden loopt op rolletjes, maar het zou niet Sex and the City zijn als er niet een paar verrassingen op de loer lagen... Deze keer in de vorm van een glamoureus, zonovergoten avontuur dat hen uit New York voert naar een van de meest luxe, exotische en levendige locaties, waar het feest altijd doorgaat en achter elke hoek een mysterie schuilt. (Warner Bros. Pictures)


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Trailer 2

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alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels A special paradox, a silly movie for smart people. Silly because it’s whiny, full of nonsense with a ton of makeup and at least two luxurious handbags on each hand, which have to be changed six times in an hour. On the other hand, it is an excellent satire of an idealistic life behind the golden curtain. A film exclusively for people who have at least a little success in life (especially career or financial) and can appreciate its subtleties and tricks, people who have a general overview of the world and know what is currently trendy and vice versa. As I see it, most of the geeks of FilmBooster are not that, because after watching twenty black and white movies a day, they don't have time to go to Pařížská Street for window shopping, or go on a trip to the UAE – after all, it's all superficial and bad. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels The curse of the sequel also hit Sex and the City 2. I didn't find the four lovely female leads as attractive and entertaining as I did in the first one, and that's a really big hit to the overall rating. But again, it was a great watch, in terms of all the colours and in the form of the beautiful dresses of the main characters. I found the first one to be a lot much more grounded in reality (that's why I liked it more), whereas the sequel is just too surreal (like paying $22k a day for a room). And a small criticism would be the running time was a bit too long (I didn't mind it in the first one), two and a quarter hours is too much for a romantic comedy. In short, a weaker sequel to the great first one, it kept a great audiovisual atmosphere, but the story was not so interesting. ()



alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels I couldn't stop laughing. Really funny and exquisite. This movie would have gotten 5 stars from me even without sound, since the fashion here was enchanting. Sex and the City is for people who like to look at flashy and luxurious things. I'm one of them. Plus, the leads are great. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels The second Sex and the City feature film is a pure romantic comedy. There’s nothing big on the agenda, and in order to live up to the expectations of the major flick (and this wasn't just another reunion with your favorite characters of the cult series), we got an adventure in Abu Dhabi for a change. Carrie is married, so must inevitably falter during a chance encounter with her favorite ex, but fortunately, the magic of It Happened One Night (1934) opens her eyes again and the fairy tale with Mr. Big can continue. At the time, it seemed that the whole phenomenon might fall asleep, but soon the new (and excellent) series And just like that... arrived. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels I don't understand how these four women could have become such symbols and celebrities, and how the series could have been so popular, assuming it's filmed in the same way. As role models, they present completely impossible individuals who are unable to sustain any relationships, at least in two cases (Carrie and Samantha), yet everything still works out for them. It's almost unbelievable. No, no more of this. ()

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