
David Kepesh (Ben Kingsley), cultuurcriticus op televisie en populair docent aan een New Yorkse universiteit, ontmoet Consuela Castillo (Penélope Cruz), een beschaafde studente van vierentwintig, dochter van rijke Cubaanse ballingen. De ontmoeting resulteert in complete chaos in het leven van Kepesh. (RCV Film Distribution)

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Engels Average. Coixet and screenwriter Meyer turned Roth's phenomenal text into a sentimental and hackneyed love story. There is no irritability, anarchy, pornography - it is kind, moderate, protracted and sometimes quite boring. Only the solid Kingsley and the excellent Hopper stand out (his cynicism was supposed to dominate in the film!). I highly recommend buying the book instead of a ticket to the film and reading it instead of spending two hours in the movie theatre. It doesn't take much longer and it's an infinitely stronger experience. ()


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Engels I feel a little sorry when I am (almost) the only one to see the exceptionality and perfection of a certain film. It means that its creators won’t get the credit they deserve... Elegy is an incredibly mature, sensitive and psychologically complex movie that is creative in its filmmaking details (from the screenplay to the brilliant editing, which masterfully escalates all of the key scenes). The director depicts the fifty-year-old man in love more precisely and more comprehensibly for younger viewers than any male director could, which just confirms a theory that women can understand men better than men can understand them. She intentionally cast the seemingly incongruous pair of Ben Kingsley and Penélope Cruz so that she could let them reach perfect harmony only in the unexpected final twist. I also cannot imagine better and more original casting of the role of Kingsley’s old friend than Dennis Hopper. As for the central pair, Kingsley is the heart and soul of the film and it’s hard to see where his acting genius ends and the director’s genius in guiding the actors begins – the true genius probably lies in their mutual understanding and the synergy of their talents. After one weekend (when I randomly chose to watch Elegy and Vicky Cristina Barcelona), I finally learned to appreciate Penélope Cruz. She is a treasure, and not only as an actress. And let’s not forget the cold yet passionate realist played by Patricia Clarkson, in whom Kingsley’s character finds his only stable sanctuary. When I turned on Elegy, I just wanted to fill up my Sunday evening, and what I got was absolute emotional and spiritual film satisfaction. Why couldn’t the final static beach shot last until the end of end credits? ()



alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels The modestly vulnerable Beast and an enchantingly captivating Beauty. It is hard to say how much credit to attribute to the sensitive direction, the strong source material, or the enthralling performances; either way, the truth is that this combination mesmerizes you from the first dialogue to the last. Whether it concerns close themes such as jealousy or fickleness, or more distant ones like old age, you can do little more than bow in respect to this carefully crafted story. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels Penélope Cruz showed everything, for which I am immensely grateful. Ben Kingsley, on the other hand, showed the wreckage of life with escapades that not even the greatest rogue of Prague has, but, it must be said, he played it as it should be. Purely taken...if it weren't for Penelope, I would immediately discard the film. But with Penelope, it had layers like a cow. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels As a drama of an aging man searching for an opportunity for sexual indulgence and finding his last true love, it deserves 5 stars because Penélope Cruz and Ben Kingsley belong to the elite of their acting generation and Isabel Coixet knows how to film it with elegance and sensitivity. As a film adaptation of Philip Roth's literary work, however, it barely reaches three stars. Personally, I haven't read the book but I know other books by Roth, and if he wrote like Isabel translates, he wouldn't be considered one of the greatest, if not the greatest, American novelists. It lacks bitterness and selfishness, and it lacks that dark side of a partnership. Only romance remains, the tragedy of unfulfilled desires and serious illness. Overall impression: 75%. ()

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