
Cliff (Steve Zahn) en Cydney (Milla Jovovich) zijn een avontuurlijk, jong stel dat voor hun huwelijksreis naar Hawai gaan. Ze denken het paradijs te hebben gevonden tot ze een ander stel Nick (Timothy Olyphant) en Gina (Kiele Sanchez) tegenkomen en horen van een gruwelijke moord op een pasgetrouwd stel en dat de moordenaars waarschijnlijk op hetzelfde deel van Hawaï zitten als zij. Daarna weten Cydney en Cliff niet meer wie van de medetoeristen ze kunnen vertrouwen. (A-Film Benelux)


Recensie (12)


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels This is exactly what I needed! Sitting tensely at the screen, guessing who's who. It's unbelievable how many emotions ran through me during that hour and a half. The cast and the script are above standard. The best people were chosen even for the smallest roles. Despite the pleasant beginning, we get into a mysterious atmosphere that you could cut with a knife. It is only after the denouement, when the cards are laid on the table that the real show begins. Even though the action ending may seem a bit comical, I enjoyed it to the last drop. 4.5 stars. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels This film deceives not only the audience, but also itself. It is an example of how NOT to write and direct a thriller with a surprising point, at least if it is supposed to be as interesting on the second viewing as on the first. David Twohy should go back to placing emphasis on the visuals and atmosphere and not putting too much strain on his brain. ()



alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels Such a stylish twist occurred to me long ago and I’m glad that somebody (Twohy) finally managed to get it into such a well-cast movie. That foxy Milla got to me again, back in great form after having a baby and the snappy-tongued Timothy “American Jedi" Olyphant who surprisingly often grabs all the attention for himself. Kiele Sanchez from Lost was just made for this type of movie and it was good to see tough guy Chris Hemsworth, who convinced me that he really does have the balls for Thor. And otherwise... wonderful landscapes, but that is somehow expected from this kind of movie. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels A very pleasant surprise. It’s true that the beginning (i.e. the first hour) could be a lot faster or shorter, but it’s not boring for a second. Likeable characters, a beautiful landscape and fun dialogues, those are the main reasons why I didn’t have any problem with this film and its initial slow pace. The last twenty minutes are brilliant, fast and tense, with a gimmick here and there, like slow motion preceding fast motion. The only flaw in this otherwise perfect thriller are those ten minutes of exposition that may be justified, but up until then the viewer is led by the nose and this scene comes right when the film starts gaining speed, so it’s hard not to look forward to the end of that explanation. Very good summer thriller. 7/10 ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels A fantastic hit and one of the biggest surprises of the year. After a series of flops (which were more or less his own fault), Twohy manned up and made a terrific thriller that feels like Hitchcock came back from the dead and went to Hawaii to make another of his classics. A calm romantic introduction outlines the characters, only to be followed by a fairly unoriginal (those who have been watching will remain calm) twist and a perfect final half hour, which (also thanks to the music) is an absolutely crazy sprint full of exaggeration (skull-cracking) and undying adrenaline. The replacement Zahn and a decently acting Milla work well, but Timothy Olyphant is an otherworldly tough guy who can high-five Woody Harrelson for the sharpest tough guy of the fall season. 4 ½. ()

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