I Love You Phillip Morris

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Steven Russell (Jim Carrey) lijkt een doodgewoon leven te lijden. Hij is gelukkig getrouwd met zijn vrouw Debbie (Leslie Mann), werkt bij de lokale politie en speelt orgel in de plaatselijke kerk. Tot hij op een dag een ernstig auto-ongeluk krijgt, waardoor hij een openbaring heeft. Hij is homo en gaat het maximale uit het leven halen, zelfs als hij daarvoor de wet moet overtreden. Om in zijn nieuwe extravagante levensstijl te voorzien, begint hij met frauderen en oplichten, maar dit heeft tot gevolg dat hij al snel in de gevangenis belandt. Daar ontmoet hij de liefde van zijn leven; de gevoelige Phillip Morris (Ewan McGregor). Steven wringt zichzelf in de meest onmogelijke bochten om zijn grote liefde uit de gevangenis te bevrijden, zodat zij samen het perfecte leven kunnen leiden. (Independent Films)


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alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels I didn't decide on the fourth star until the last 10 minutes. And that's because of the "clever" ending. Unfortunately, I didn't feel any love or much drama from the film. That's why I’m rating the film purely as a slightly above average comedy that isn't a complete cliché. A bit disappointing, 3.5 stars. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels This movie would work even if it weren’t about fairies... twists, emotions milked by the pint, suspense, it’s all here. Carrey and McGregor give some of the best acting performances I have seen with them, I even had trouble laughing when Morris was crying about... well, if you’ve seen it, you know what. For slight inconsistency, just four stars. I enjoyed myself more than I expected. ()



alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels With its playful and brisk narrative together with good acting performances, I Love You Phillip Morris is entertaining, but in the last quarter of the film, it becomes boring due to the repetitive arrests, incarcerations and escapes and, as a whole, the film seems much longer than it is. There is an overabundance of comic and kitschy romantically tinged gay scenes, especially in the first half, and they come across as bizarre when performed by Carrey and McGregor, though it’s possible to get used to them. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels An incredible hit even after all these years. The pairing of Jim Carrey and Ewan McGregor is excellent because together they are sweet, touching, and funny. Carrey took his acting a level higher with this film after two decades at the top. The wild cadence of jokes, crazy situations - everything runs like clockwork. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels I was quite looking forward to seeing I Love You Phillip Morris, but after watching it I have to say that I could have done without this film. I kind of don't know what my overall impression should be. I was very entertained in places, moved a few times, but in the end it all kind of evaporated like steam over a pot. Ewan McGregor was really great, I trusted his role 100%, but Jim Carrey often irritated me a lot with his efforts to play a convincing gay man (he was really annoying). The story wasn't bad in itself, but the plot kept kind of cycling, so by the end I was getting a bit bored. All in all (for me) a mediocre film that almost failed to impress me (except for Ewan) with anything enough to consider a higher rating. ()

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