
In 1964 begint twijfel zich meester te maken van een non die het handelen van een priester in twijfel trekt nadat hij verdacht wordt van het misbruiken van een zwarte student. Hij ontkent de beschuldigingen, maar daarmee is de kous nog niet af. (The Walt Disney Company Benelux)

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Engels An intimate psychological drama depicting an uncompromising clash between a bigoted nun who seems to be stuck in the 19th century and a priest who acknowledges both the demands of the modern era for new ideas and methods and the fact that love for God should not be an obstacle to human relationships. The dispute is not only about the methods of pedagogical influence at the local church school and the interpretation of religious values but gradually evolves into deep personal antipathy by the nun, who begins to suspect that the priest's interest in one of her charges may not be as innocent as those around them think. Those who have no doubts can be more convincing, and therefore more successful, but some victories are Pyrrhic... The film's strength lies in its position, which leaves the viewer uncertain until the end - in other words, in doubt about what actually happened, as well as the emotionally powerful conflict between two distinct personalities, successful dialogue, and above all, exceptional acting by two major stars of contemporary American cinema. Overall impression: 90%. ()


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Engels Well, I really wasn’t expecting this. It’s almost unbelievable how fittingly the name Doubt describes the film. There’s not a single moment when the viewer can be certain on whose side the truth is, or who has the purer or more noble motives, etc. This would have been impossible without a great script and dialogues, which I would appoint as king of all dialogues :-D… I really can’t remember when was the last time I swallowed like this every word uttered by the characters in a film. Praising the performances would be redundant, and I reckon this year the members of the Academy will have a very hard job. Just one more thing before closing, I wouldn’t have believed it before watching it, but I’ve just found “my” drama of the year 2008. ()



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Engels Interesting topic, excellent actors, but as whole it can't sustain a heartbeat. What good to me are the amazing Amy Adams and the charismatic Philip Seymour Hoffman if the entire premise of their actions can fit into ten minutes? Instead, I'm watching an hour and a half of stretched-out acting exhibitionism, pushed to the most absurd maximum. Occasionally, a little editing or hinting would have been enough, but no – the routine direction drags the film to an ending that ultimately undermines the whole story. It's precisely because the entire dramatic arc is a smaller deception for the audience that I have to rate it this low. ()


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Engels Before: I have considerable doubts about whether Shanley will be able to handle such tricky material while managing to avoid falling into cheesiness, needless literalness and ecclesiastic correctness. And mainly I have doubts about Amy Adams performance alongside the Hoffman Streep duo. After: I have no doubts anymore about Amy and also I now know that it couldn’t have been written, shot and acted any better. ()


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Engels Great theater, but only an above-average film. Shanley wrote the perfect screenplay and found excellent collaborators, but Doubt only truly works as an acting concert and a duel between two opposing views of faith. As a film, it offers excellent music by Howard Shore, Deakins' colorful camera, but also a strangely distant director. Shanley tried to enrich the theatrical potential with visual means, but they have awkward theatricality and inelegance, which slows down rather than strengthens tension. This is unfortunate, because the acting and the final question that remains hanging in the air could easily have formed part of an exceptional film. It does not, although Doubt is undoubtedly a very good effort. ()

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