The Dark Knight

  • USA The Dark Knight (meer)
Trailer 3
Actie / Drama / Misdaad / Thriller
USA / Groot Brittanië, 2008, 152 min (Alternatief 146 min)


Bob Kane (cartoon), Bill Finger (cartoon)


Wally Pfister


Christian Bale, Heath Ledger, Aaron Eckhart, Michael Caine, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Gary Oldman, Morgan Freeman, Cillian Murphy, Eric Roberts, Ritchie Coster (meer)
(meer functies)


Batman moet het opnemen tegen The Joker, een charismatische en totaal gestoorde crimineel. Hij krijgt daarbij de hulp van advocaat Harvey Dent, politiecommissaris Gordon en zijn oude liefde Rachel Dawes. Iedereen moet voor zichzelf gaan uitmaken wat goed en kwaad is. (Warner Bros. Pictures)

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Trailer 3

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alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels What Nolan sketched in Batman Begins leads to absolute perfection in this film. The scheme of the struggle between good and evil is dissolved, and Batman definitely loses his mythical essence and becomes a truly dark figure of a cursed outcast. Definitely the darkest comic book film ever, mainly thanks to Ledger, whose Joker is a brilliant materialization of elusive and indestructible evil. The only weakness is the somewhat overwhelming plot, which loses a bit of pace between the two climaxes. I salute the way Nolan was able to turn a comic book film into a captivating and raw thriller in the best tradition of M. Mann, Coppola or De Palma. In my opinion, The Dark Knight is truly one of the best Hollywood movies. Edit 2012: after my "obligatory enthusiasm" subsided, The Dark Knight lost a bit of its gloss - nothing has changed for me about its qualities, but there is something about its coldness, brilliant calculation and bulletproof planning that prevents me from losing myself in the film... The character of Harvey Dent also still seems as wooden and flexible to me as is required for the perfect trick at the end. Ta-da! I’m giving it one star less. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels The Dark Knight is a great film, but great doesn’t mean the best ever or the best in the last few years, and personally I have serious doubts it’ll be the best film of the year (it already has one competitor in In Bruges). Heath Ledger’s performance is clearly the one that has received the highest praise, his is the role that attracts most of the attention, but Aaron Eckhart is head-to-head with him and actually his character might be a lot stronger as a result. The plot moves forward very (sometimes excessively) fast, to the point that I wouldn’t have minded a longer runtime. ()



alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels Turning a comic book adaptation into a fatal drama of almost classical proportions? Only Nolan can do that. I would consider the most problematic part of the story to be perhaps only the beginning (which is not so much the fault of the film itself as my unpreparedness for what the ride has in store for me), when the viewer is forced to jump on and swim for a while in an inflated plot that rolls forward like a tsunami, but once you tune in to the right wave, you are in for a delightful experience. The biggest plus of Nolan's film is the fact that the action on the screen is always one step ahead of your expectations and ideas, in other words, that it is constantly and continuously surprising (the Joker's stunts, the outcome of the dilemma on the ferries, etc.). And the Joker? Whenever he appeared, I would shit little bats with bliss (I would make a bedtime story out of his dialogue with Batman at the police station). Heath……And the Oscar goes to… ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels Hans Zimmer spent three months searching for the right tone to express the Joker's mad, insidious and evil nature. Together with Heath Ledger’s performance, the monotonous motif, which sends chills down one’s spine, is as powerful an aspect of the film as everything else combined. A few years ago, Warners hoped to revive their half-dead comic book icon. Nolan delivered. As his success assured him that he was going in the right direction, this time he decided to push things even further, bring us to our knees and become not a king of comic book adaptations, but of noir crime dramas with comic book roots. For Warners, this film is a bandage on the financial wound inflicted by Speed Racer and will rank among the company’s most important feature movies. The Dark Night is even more dynamic, polished, dark and epic than Batman Begins. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels Endless chaos in the hands of one man, good and evil that lack boundaries, fantastic hi-tech toys, great actors, dry bon mots, one magic act, and most importantly two and a half hours of undiluted adventure where Nolan jumps from one peak to an even higher one to develop a meaningful plot, all while remembering the action that makes the weak ones wet. Since The Bourne Ultimatum, there’s now a film that resolutely rejects notions like "time-out" and "dead spot." And then there’s the oppressive music before the Joker does another number... I could go on forever. Film of the Year? Probably. ()

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