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Een meisje is al vanaf haar vijfde blind. Na een hoornvliestransplantatie wordt haar zicht beetje bij beetje hersteld. Eerst bijzonder wazig, maar daarna steeds scherper. Met het herstel wordt echter duidelijk dat niet alles wat ze ziet, er ook echt is. Er duiken mysterieuze schimmen op, die niemand anders kan zien. Ze keert zich voor hulp tot de psychiater die haar hielp met haar overstap naar de ziende wereld, en samen gaan ze op zoek naar de oplossing voor dit fenomeen. (RCV Film Distribution)


Video's (3)

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Recensie (5)

Isherwood booh!

alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels A directing duo with god-given talent versus a below-average Asian ghost film. So what does that amount to? A hell of a bore, mainly due to zero creative invention, which consistently sticks to the style of traditional Hollywood coloring books, using sexy colors of garish shades instead of consistent detail work and subtle shading. The definition of useless. ()



alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels This remake is not good, really. We follow a wooden Jessica Alba moving around with the same twisted expression for the entire film, while uttering “smart” monologues – she’s so much fun to watch. Those few scary scenes from the original are totally ruined and trampled to the ground. In short, I don’t think The Eye is a good choice, and I mean both the American and the original from Hong-Kong. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels The Eye is a classic example of what an American remake means. It's taking something interesting, making it into something American, and essentially ensuring that the interesting aspect ceases to be interesting. The film is just a blend of The Sixth Sense and Final Destination, where the ending tries too hard to make you empathize with the characters, but you're more so hoping everyone just explodes. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels Nothing groundbreaking at all. Plot-wise and in terms of any kind of suspense, The Eye is in the same position as most of the Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction episodes (i.e. poor), and it doesn't offer much in terms of acting either. I liked the blurry and hazy scenes just after the operation, then the scene in the smoky apartment. That's all. Perhaps only the music of Marco Beltrami. ()

Galerie (46)