Assault on Precinct 13

  • Frankrijk Assaut sur le central 13 (meer)


Het is oudjaarsavond. Precinct 13, een van de oudste politieposten van Detroit, moet in het nieuwe jaar haar deuren sluiten. Sergeant Jake Roenick (Ethan Hawke) en zijn team bereiden zich voor op een rustig avondje met champagne. Eerder die avond wordt de beruchte topcrimineel Marion Bishop (Laurence Fishburne) ingerekend, waarbij een undercover agent om het leven komt. Bishop gaat meteen mee op gevangenentransport richting een high-security gevangenis. Een zware sneeuwstorm dwingt de gevangenenbus echter uit te wijken naar het dichtstbijzijnde politiebureau – Precinct 13. De criminelen worden, tegen de zin van sergeant Roenick in, tijdelijk opgesloten totdat de wegen weer begaanbaar zijn. Rond middernacht wordt het politiestation overvallen door gemaskerde mannen. Twee politieagenten komen in het vuurgevecht om. Jake Roenick en zijn collega’s gaan ervan uit dat de aanval bedoeld is om Bishop te bevrijden. Het tegendeel is echter waar… (Independent Films)


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alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels Assault on Precinct 13 is marked by its dumb B-movie script, solid action and visuals and one unexpected moment. The best thing about the film, however, is its cast. Even the smallest role of the bus driver will make you happy with a face you know from 1980s action and horror classics (a connection to Carpenter and his “golden age”). Especially Laurence Fishburne’s charismatic villain is perfect, and Maria Bello with her hair down, changing from boots to pumps, will spice up your dreams. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels The potential was exploited almost to the full. It's full of clichés, the characters aren’t very well outlined, but they are very interestingly written. Laurence Fishburne and Gabriel Byrne in particular are good. The action is not as top-notch as I would have imagined, but thematically, the film is very attractive, and the setting where the story takes place is atmospheric enough to captivate and keep the viewer on alert. There may be a few unrealistic elements and plot holes (where on earth did they get bullets for a 50-year-old weapon?), but otherwise, I’m satisfied. If Michael Mann had directed this, it would be one of the biggest action blockbusters of the season. As it is, it's just an average, rather raw action flick. ()



alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels A typical action film, the kind there are loads of, that never deviates from many of its predecessors. There is tension, and action, too, and also the traditional “surprising” twist. But it’s watchable in spite of its lack of originality. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels A really decent movie. The main reason for this is Bishop, played by Laurence Fishburne, whose each line is a pearl, and even Ethan Hawke rocks here. There are even a couple of decent twists and, overall, Assault left me with a really good sensation. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels The opening scene of a failed drug deal ending in a bloody shootout raises expectations supported by a decent cast of A-list actors. Such potential should not be wasted, which means you will be looking forward to an adrenaline-fueled genre ride. However, as the minutes tick away, doubts begin to creep into your expectations. The problem lies primarily in the typical B-movie script, which overlooks a lot in order for its original concept to work, and the logic takes a hit. The characters behave nonsensically and their ideas reek of absurdity. The disparate group of people besieged in a building easily repels the attacks of elite professionals with top-notch military training, massacring them way too easily. Additionally, Richet's direction is not at all inventive and does not help the film. Genre fans might add a star, but I will be more stingy. Overall impression: 45%. ()

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