The Substance

  • Groot Brittanië The Substance (meer)
Trailer 3


The Substance is de nieuwe film van Coralie Fargeat met een gewaagde comebackrol van Demi Moore, rising star Margaret Qualley  en oude bekende Dennis Quaid. Dé shockfilm uit Cannes (winnaar Beste Scenario) werpt een komische blik op de houdbaarheid van vrouwelijke schoonheid in Hollywood. Een stijlvolle en kleurrijke satire met een vleugje (body) horror. (Cinéart Nederland)


Recensie (11)



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Engels Don’t be put off by the shallow premise and the B-movie stylisation. The reflection of the rules of television show business is deliberately superficial. Those past their prime must be replaced with young people with perfect bodies. And because of that, celebrities are willing to do anything to their own bodies. For roughly the first one hundred minutes, I didn’t want to believe that such a cheaply stylised trash flick could appear in the competition section of the Cannes Film Festival. Of course, Coralie Fargeat has a grander plan for us and takes it in unexpected directions with the inner psychological conflict of the main character and, in terms of genre, with a nod to Peter Jackson’s early splatter flicks. This is taken almost to the point of a transcendental body horror spectacle in which the director doesn’t shy away from humorously using the music of Herrmann from Vertigo and Strauss from 2001: A Space OdysseyDemi Moore is cast perfectly in the role of a fading celebrity, and Margaret Qualley excels as the up-and-coming star of a television show.  Qualley, incidentally, is enjoying a truly golden period in her career, as she also appeared in Lanthimos’s new film Kinds of Kindness in this year’s Cannes competition. Tarantino deserves thanks for discovering her! If the film hadn’t worked so clearly and predictably with B-movie elements in those first hundred minutes, I would have given it five stars! ___ It occurs to me that female directors are starting to show far more female nudity in their films than their male counterparts. I can cite two examples of this phenomenon just from this year’s Cannes Film Festival, namely Les Femmes au balcon and this film, The Substance, where we see both Demi Moore and Margaret Qualley’s breasts up close, not to mention their curves in leggings. Yum! [Cannes FF] ()


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Engels A cautionary tale about the fact that rules are meant to be followed; especially when it comes to a miracle drug that you are about to inject into your body. At first, I was a bit miffed that I didn't detect an effort on the director's part to build atmosphere and try to scare the viewer, instead, she unleashes "just" an entertaining straightforward satire. But once the inner psychological struggle between the heroine's lust and rational will starts to manifest itself physically (I vividly remembered my attempts to quit smoking), The Substance takes on a crazy edge. There are several times when you think that this film will probably end soon, because it has already reached a point where other horror films only get to the final scene... but then Coralie Fargeat always injects another shot of body horror gunk into the film's veins and takes the ride up another level. This woman's got balls. I'm a little surprised it got the screenplay award at Cannes, because it kind of does what it wants in the finale, the rules of the fictional world are only loosely outlined; I would have expected more success with midnight screenings than with critics, but obviously miracles do happen sometimes. The Substance probably won't be my favourite horror film of the season at the end of the year, I always give preference to serious horror and dread in that regard, but at the same time it has to be said that few films have INSTANT CLASSIC written all over them in such big letters. ()


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Engels Someday when I'm explaining to someone what "nice but shitty" means, I'm going to put this movie on. Or at least half of it, so they don't have to watch it for those excruciating two and a half hours. Coralie Fargeat had already disappointed me a lot with her previous film Revenge, but the two films have a lot in common. They look beautiful, there's imaginative play with colour, and in this case there's even some pretty stylish references to Kubrick, Cronenberg or Carpenter, the slow motion shots of TV performances are more than effective and damn sexy, but underneath all the glitz there's a lot of nothing. The Substance is a film that would like to open up interesting themes like the inability to age, the cult of youth in show business, and it also tackles the price of fame and how much anyone is willing to pay for it. But it does all this in a completely banal way that surprises no one and takes an insufferably long time to do so. After about twenty minutes I had already made a list in my head that The Substance will follow until the very end. And just kept ticking it off. Realistically, underneath the audiovisual audacity is a shallow, idealess show full of stupid characters making even stupider decisions and pretending to be surprised by the consequences. It's tiresome to watch, and behind all the pretty pictures, the tastelessness (which isn't so hellish after all), the nudity and the shots of sexy asses in spandex, there's just a perfumed nothingness ()


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Engels Absolutely Insane!! A compelling horror satire, a successor to David Cronenberg, a future cult classic and Coralie Fargeat's entry into the modern horror league alongside Jordan Peele, Ari Aster and Robert Eggers. You are not ready for this shit!! Two and a half hours of sheer entertainment, in the first half Coralie attacks male thrills in supreme style and many will have passionate and sexy fantasies with goddess Margaret Qualley – that girl has a future! (When was the last time we saw an actress full frontal naked?). But Demi Moore is not far behind, even at 60 she still looks great and gives an impressive acting performance. And speaking of acting, I have to mention Dennis Quaid, who absolutely relishes the role. What impressed me was the soundtrack like something out of a dense rave, it adds an incredible edge to the whole madness, the impressive cinematography with a nod to art (those close-ups are a treat), the frilly visuals, the cool idea and then of course we have the popular body horror elements, where the make-up artists did a masterful job. The final transformation evokes anything from The Fly to The Thing, and it was something we haven’t seen in a long time – there was also my unpopular tooth and nail pulling. The Troma-like finale was a bit over the top and I believe it may annoy some viewers, but I couldn’t stop staring at the geyser of blood that painted the whole room (I thought no could paint the house from roof to basement with blood like Timo Tjahjanto in Macabre, but this one broke those boundaries). The women, however, will spend most of the time feeling inferior, imperfect, and having major complexes, the hatred from them for this film is more than obvious, but, as I like to say, the Chosen Ones will undoubtedly enjoy the film. A hypnotic, transcedent experience as well. 10/10. ()



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Engels A critique of the chauvinist-saturated entertainment industry? One third of the running time went unseen because I can't watch trailers on the screen? The feeling that Coralie Fargeat is openly making fun of me, but doesn't want to laugh at me, but with me? If You Want More You'll Get Nothing: The Movie? It's all here. Some long to find lost beauty, some long to see a film that has not yet been made. And both should be careful what they wish for. ()


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Engels An important theme is lost in a film that, in the first two-thirds, functions as a very decent, stylish, and ironic B-movie, but unfortunately transforms in the final act into a sequel to The Toxic Avenger. Demi Moore is in Oscar-worthy form and has always known how to work with her physicality, which is nothing new (as seen in Striptease and G.I. Jane). Margaret Qualley continues her career as eye candy and will need to work hard to maintain her standing because being in your thirties is no longer considered attractive merchandise. Under different circumstances, I could root for Coralie Fargeat, but she just made a classic shock-for-the-sake-of-shock film (because, of course, her European debut has already been forgotten). ()


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Engels I was not too impressed with Coralie Fargeat's previous effort, a revenge movie with a lot of nonsense, although it showed that this French director can impress with her frenetic style and imaginative imagery, but it lacked - well, how else to put it – substance. But The Substance does have plenty of it! What's admirable is that although there's a very simple and straightforward plot practically worthy of an episode of The Twilight Zone, stretching it out to nearly two and a half hours somehow works, and has an incredible pull to boot. It's a compilation of many inspirations: “The Picture of Dorian Gray”, films like Death Becomes Her, Sunset Blvd. and the body horror works of Frank Henenlotter (and after reading other reviews here, everyone can find a little something different in it), and it all holds together very well. The main acting trio of Demi Moore, Margaret Qualley and Dennis Quaid all deliver incredible performances, each of them doing so in a slightly different style. There are some really great, impressive sequences and the final half hour is quite simply the scene of the year! [KVIFF 2024] ()


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Engels An artsy trash flick that combines elegant and spectacular modern filmmaking with intense B-movie body horror that forces viewers with a weak stomach to avert their gaze or even walk out of the screening room. With its music-video softcore aesthetics, it’s as if David Cronenberg had shot an adaptation of The Picture of Dorian Gray, but The Substance ultimately falls into the category of gory splatter movies like Peter Jackson’s Braindead. As a satire about the self-destructive desire for eternal youth and beauty, it is rather (probably intentionally) straightforward and superficial in terms of its concept, and when it comes to the plot, the film does not really deal with sense and does not hesitate to break its own rules. Everything is subordinated to the film’s constant pushing of the boundaries of expectations and it is boldly shocking on several occasions in the extremes to which it is willing to go. However, it is filmed with extraordinary pulsating energy and, thanks to its brisk pace, throbbing music, polished shot composition and both of the actresses in the lead roles (and the wonderfully creepy Dennis Quaid in a supporting role), it is pure over-the-top entertainment for the thick-skinned that is an absolute joy to watch. It should ideally be experienced together with a large group of other viewers. ()


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Engels (KVIFF 2024) Substance already has pride of place in the field of gory body horror. A quick glance at the blurb immediately brings to mind the classic Death Becomes Her (the episode The Outside from Guillermo del Toro's anthology Cabinet of Curiosities specifically jumped out at me). The casting of Demi Moore as an aging, (semi-)forgotten star was a stroke of genius, and I'm glad that this actress, popular in the 90s but rather maligned by the tabloids in recent years due to suspicious changes in her appearance, got a chance to play - sort of - herself(?). At least since Gremlins, we know that rules are not just for show, and breaking them can have (literally) monstrous consequences. As I watched, references to films like The Shining, The Elephant Man, Carrie, The Thing, Tale of Tales, and The Fly flashed before my eyes, but that's not to say that Substance is a compilation of what I've seen before. During the screening, I saw how some people averted their eyes – I was only bothered by one single (nail) scene in this regard. But it's definitely a tough piece of work, with incredibly intense and energetic audio-visuals, where I appreciated my slight deafness in places. Coralie Fargeat manages to serve up a dense, bloody spectacle that could have high-fived Kill Bill. But ultimately, it's also a sad tale of a chauvinistic ideal of beauty, the attainment of which can bring with fatal consequences. It's not a clean five stars for me, but Substance deserves them nonetheless, for having the guts and balls to make something like this. ()


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Engels Beauty and the desire for eternal youth are among the timeless themes and have been handled in all manner of ways in literature, film, and theater. This concept from French director Coralie Fargeat is undoubtedly noteworthy, interesting, and sometimes absurdly entertaining. While some were laughing in the cinema, others were quietly sneaking out the back, and it makes sense that The Substance would evoke so many different reactions. I'm glad I sat in the middle of the theater, because The Substance is a very sensory film, so some details don't need to be seen up close. Likewise, some sounds pierce your head like sharp nails. The strength of the whole film, which is essentially an intimate one, lies in the acting of Demi Moore and Margaret Qualley. Both handled their roles perfectly and complement each other excellently. The third member of the party is the absolutely phenomenally disgusting and repulsive Dennis Quaid. An unconventional and remarkable film experience. ()


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Engels Demi Moore is back! And in a banger like this! When my friend asked me what it was about, I said: something like Death Becomes Her, but more modern, more revealing, more honest, more daring, more raw, more psychological, and most importantly... bloodier! I had an incredible time, but the film also made me think. I don't have to burden myself with ageing at the moment, but it's coming, and I'm surrounded by women who are at a similar stage of life to the main character (just not famous), and I can see that it's a heavy burden. The body isn't as fresh and firm as it used to be, men don't turn on you anymore, and the terrible way it can play with the psyche, and self-esteem, I think that's portrayed perfectly. What are we going to say, the world has always been, still is, and probably always will be putting a huge emphasis on looks. And then a sleazebag like the one played by Dennis Quaid defines you, your worth, and your life: a perfect contrast. For me, the movie experience of the year, which I will, despite the final over-the-topness and absurdity, gladly give a second viewing. [Festival de Cannes 2024] ()