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In Fuuto, better known as the Windy City, mysterious beings called Dopants wreak havoc by using the dangerous Gaia Memories. However, there are also heroes who utilize the Gaia Memories to fight these criminals: a half-boiled and indecisive PI named Shotaro Hidari, and his partner Philip, an intellectual-type PI. The two transform into Kamen Rider W—the legendary hero of Fuuto city! (Crunchyroll)


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Engels My first completely unplanned glimpse into the world of Kamen Rider turned out pretty okay for me. Why unplanned? Because when I watched the first episode, I had absolutely no idea that Fuuto Tantei was set in the world of these superheroes. If I had known, I’d have probably skipped the series, which might have been a shame. Luckily, the writers managed to get me hooked by the very first episode by introducing interesting and distinctive characters. The moment I got to meet Shoutarou, who was instantly likable, I had a feeling that I would go on watching until the end. However, it wasn’t until Tokime appeared on the screen that I became confident about this series and knew that at least these two characters would make me enjoy it. And it really wasn't bad overall, though I didn't really enjoy all the fights with the Dopants. I wasn’t too interested in the concept of the Kamen Riders and how it all worked, and I was quite annoyed by how they kept loudly announcing the use of each new ability, suit activation, and whatnot. On the other hand, I got decent and interesting detective stories that had some good ideas and atmosphere (it had a cool vibe). In the end, the final plot about Shadow Fuuto really had something going for it. As I said, I’m quite happy with the series. There were things I found interesting about it which outweighed the things I didn't enjoy that much. If there is another season, I’ll watch it, if only to find out more about Tokime’s story. 6/10 ()

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