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Trailer 3

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Hoewel het Franse echtpaar hun best doet te integreren in de gemeenschap, blijft de plaatselijke bevolking hen zien als indringers. Vooral de broers Xan (Luis Zahera) en Lorenzo (Diego Anido), die het echtpaar maar al te graag willen wegjagen met hun pesterijen. Antoine (Denis Ménochet) en Olga (Marina Foïs) houden echter voet bij stuk, waarna de situatie volledig uit de hand dreigt te lopen. (EYE Film)


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Trailer 3

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Engels I know my way around French-Spanish relations. I've had the privilege a few times in a professional context, and it's not a pleasant experience, so this film didn't surprise me at all. However, its theme can be set practically anywhere; indeed, it was supposed to be inspired by the true story of a Dutch couple. City versus countryside, intellect versus common sense, progress versus conservatism, these conflicts can be seen everywhere. In any case, the film handles these conflicts excellently; no wonder it won half of the Goya awards. Apart from that, the director could have relid on great French and Spanish actors. ()

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