
Előzetes 1
Egyesült Államok / Franciaország, 2021, 101 perc

Streaming (1)


Miután magához tér egy hibernációs kapszulában, Liz a túlélésért harcol, közben pedig próbál rájönni, ki is ő valójában, mielőtt elfogy az oxigénje. (Netflix)

Videók (2)

Előzetes 1

Recenziók (12)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar Egy pandémiás megrendelés nagyon kiszámítható forgatókönyvvel. Az első "csattanó" az első néhány percben beugrik, a másodperces korházi flashback alatt, a második pedig valamikor egy órával később. A film összességében ismerős sci-fi és thriller motívumokból álló kirakós játék, amelyben logikai valószínűtlenségeket is találnánk (a mesterséges intelligenciával folytatott párbeszédek alakulása). Mármint ha keresni akarnád őket benne, amit nem akarsz, mert egészében véve szép látvány - Aja rendezése megszokottan klassz, Mélanie igyekszik, az utolsó negyed pedig vizuálisan sci-fi csemege. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A claustrophobic, catastrophic sci-fi about a bio-form in a cryogenic box. Bewitching visuals, thrilling conversations with the sleazy voice of Mathieu Amalrica and relatively surprising plot twists are among the main attractions of Oxygen. It turns out that Aja doesn’t restrict himself to blood baths, but he also has a talent for storytelling. Want some sedative? ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Alexandre Aja has proven more than once that he's a talented filmmaker. While he usually sticks to genre films, he does it really well. I also appreciate how he’s shifted from horror to sci-fi, especially in this more intimate, confined setting. That’s something I really value. Creating an hour-and-a-half story about an astronaut waking up in a cryo-chamber and keeping the tension high the whole time is no small feat. The film also benefits from an outstanding performance by Mélanie Laurent and a soundtrack that, combined with the visuals, works wonders. A solid piece of work! ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Unless I'm forgetting something (and I don't think I am), Oxygen is definitely the best sci-fi film the VOD networks have offered us so far this year, which, with competition like Outside the Wire and Chaos Walking, doesn’t say much, but still... Alex Aja proves once more that he has the a knack for the craft, but again with a screenplay that is a bit off, so it again doesn't reach the red colour on Filmbooster. When you start breaking it down and analyse it, you get, to put it mildly, problematic moments in logic. On the other hand, the film can surprise, some of the twists were unexpected (although in hindsight they might have occurred to me), Mélanie Laurent is excellent and there are few uncomfortable scenes with mice and needles that were a delight. A nice little movie. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Alexandre Aja serves up an intimate, smart, and thrilling survival drama in a cryochamber for Netflix. It is solid, and survival fans will definitely enjoy it. I would have preferred to see something like Aja's High Tension or some other massacre, but I'm glad for this as well. There is a certain inspiration from the film Buried, so if you liked that one, there's a great chance that Oxygen won't disappoint you. I could complain that it's slower, it could have been more intense and maybe twenty minutes shorter, but on the other hand, I can't really imagine anyone being able to get more out of this premise. Mélanie Laurent performs excellently, the central twist is fantastic and quite unexpected for me, but I also found the other plot surprises to be very well thought out. And surprisingly, Aja managed to include three decent jump scares – one of them even gave me goosebumps! I hate needles and rats, so this part of the film made me uncomfortable. Overall, it's a nice one-off, which I would give 3 or 4 stars, but survival films don't come out at a rate of twenty a year, but rather a maximum of two, so I don't see a reason why I should hold back. 7/10. ()

Galéria (32)