Kék Bogár

Előzetes 9


Kék Bogár színre lép. Méghozzá nagyon hatásosan. Jaime Reyes (Xolo Maridueña) végzett az egyetemen, tele van nagy álmokkal, és elég hamar kénytelen rájönni, hogy a valóság egészen másképp néz ki. Már éppen elkeseredne, amikor a sors közbeszól, és mindent felforgat. A srác véletlenül megszerez egy ősi múltból származó, földön kívüli eredetű biotechnológiai szuperfegyvert: a szkarabot. Pontosabban: az szerzi meg őt. A szkarab - ki tudja miért - Jaimet választja magának új gazdatestjének, úgyhogy testpáncélt, hihetetlen technikájú fegyverarzenált és legfőképpen különleges, mindig új meglepetést okozó képességeket ad neki. Ajándék, de nem lehet visszaadni. Soha többé. Jaime lesz Kék Bogár. És rajta múlik, mihez kezd ezzel. Először majd megőrült. Azután élvezi az új helyzetet. És végül kénytelen harcba szállni. A DC régi hőse még új a mozivásznon, de hamar kiderül, hogy ott a helye: a vizuálisan különleges, őrületes kaland egyszerre izgalmas és nagyon vicces! (InterCom)


Videók (5)

Előzetes 9

Recenziók (5)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A pretty fine comic-book flick. An old-school origin story that seems to have fallen out of a time twenty years ago. The protagonist is likeable, the villains are one-dimensionally evil, and the family element brings some unexpected chaos. It’s a bit of a blue Green Lantern with some Latino spice. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Jaime Reyes didn't want to be a superhero, but an alien artifact chose him, so he has no choice. Now he must protect his family from an army of villains who would like to acquire his powers. Blue Beetle is an unexpectedly fine old-school comic book movie that has solid action, functional characters, and doesn't try to bludgeon the viewer with a bunch of overblown effects. It relies more on a likeable hero and shows that with superheroes, you really don't always have to make everything bigger and louder. Don't expect anything new or groundbreaking, but it's fine. And after flicks like The Flash and Ant-Man 3, that's actually enough. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Why do I feel the need to be so morbidly curious and to put on every new thing? Because here I am again robbed of two hours of my life, and quite painfully so. Blue Beetle is just another generic DC flick that was made just to make something. A simplistic hodgepodge of everything seen, recycled and spat out on screen 100 times before, and the film fails to impress on any level. The characters are dull, the hero's has no compelling originality, the villains are boring and dull, and the action bland. When I add the two-hour running time, I come up with a sum total of a relentless, boring, bland (below)average thing that would have been a joke once upon a time and that I have waved my hand at, but this unambitious sh*t keeps going on and on and on, and I’m getting a little tired of it, and I'm a big fan of the genre and superhero movies... Why? ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Technically, it wasn’t a total disaster. But the main character’s family was over-the-top annoying, making the whole thing hard to watch. Blue Beetle ends up feeling like a bad mix of a modern superhero flick and a family movie in the vein of Rodriguez's Spy Kids. It comes off as childish and not funny at all. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol (Spoiler alert!) Blue Beetle reminded me a lot of Spider-Man (a bug-themed superhero) and Shazam (an ordinary young man is chosen and gains super powers) in its story and atmosphere, though it has an unmistakable old-school vibe - from the credits, to Ted's mysterious room and various gadgets (the flying fly swatter was cool). DC's latest film stands - but at times falls - on family values that, while not as annoying as any Fast and the Furious trailer, are nonetheless a bit less tolerable in places. The revolutionary grandmother with the "light machine gun" certainly looked better on paper, probably as much as the paranoid uncle, but on the other hand, I appreciate the nice scene from "the other side". The main character/actor was cool and it was nice to see Susan Sarandon on screen for the first time in a while. Better three stars! ()

Galéria (28)

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