
Előzetes 3


Támad a testcserés terror a Blumhouse új horror-vígjátékában, ahol egy tinicsaj cserél testet egy könyörtelen sorozatgyilkossal. A 17 éves Millie Kessler (Kathryn Newton, Szűzőrség, Hatalmas kis hazugságok) nem szeretne mást, csak valahogy túlélni a Blissfield gimi folyosóin a menő csajok és srácok kegyetlenkedéseit. Ám amikor a város hírhedt sorozatgyilkosa, a Böllér (Vince Vaughn) őt szemeli ki új áldozatának, akkor egyből elfelejti a gimi utolsó évének minden nyűgét. A Böllér misztikus, ősi tőre az oka, hogy gyilkos és leendő áldozata egymás bőrében kötnek ki, és Millie-nek 24 órája van visszaszerezni a testét, mielőtt a csere véglegessé válik, és a lány örökre egy középkorú elmebetegben ragad. Csak az a gond, hogy Millie most egy böhöm pszichopata, aki után embervadászat zajlik városszerte, miközben a Böllér egy tinilány, aki a közelgő szalagavatón élheti ki gyilkos hajlamait. A barátok - az ultratudatos Nyla (Celeste O’Connor, Szellemirtók: Az örökség), az ultradivatos Joshua (Misha Osherovich, Az aranypinty) és az ultrahelyes srác, Booker (Uriah Shelton, Kalandorok kapuja) – segítségével Millie versenyt fut az idővel, hogy feloldja az átkot, miközben a Böllér rájön, hogy egy gimis csaj teste tökéletes álca egy kis szalagavatós henteléshez... (UIP-Duna Film)


Videók (11)

Előzetes 3

Recenziók (8)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol An entertaining slasher with an interesting premise. Putting a six-foot serial killer inside a short, shy and retiring blond works mainly thanks to Vaughn’s talent at acting anything from a taciturn psychopath to a babbling high school girl. But Newton swaps her zombie-like step for confident strides... Luckily, Christopher Landon doesn’t wait a minute to make fun of genre clichés, even ridiculing himself. The juicy gore and great horror atmosphere (a great opening) does much to counterbalance the shoddy screenplay. This had many more possibilities to be explored, but they were ignored. But still, a solid above-average movie. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A great idea and fun from beginning to end. That is, until the first ending, because the second, unnecessarily drawn out, was really redundant. Vince Vaughn and Kathryn Newton are perfect in both roles, and I really liked the script, which simultaneously crashed and exploited all sorts of horror clichés. It's likeable, bloody, colourful, sexy and funny. Sometimes, that’s all I need. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Christopher Landon is clearly profiling himself as an expert on this kind of light-hearted teenage comedies with a horror premise, and I quite like it. There’s always a couple of things to complain about (here, for instance, the conversation in the fitting room of a shopping mall, it’s awful), but in the field of mainstream consumer products, I like this a lot more than McG’s The Babysitter, mainly because of the likeable characters (not only the heroine in both her bodies, but also her sidekicks are quite cool for the standards of teenage slashers) and the humour, which is very simple but not cheap or pandering. The opening scene is downright brilliant. 7/10 ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Christopher Landon proves for the third time that he has great ideas, but as an executor he can't squeeze great films out of them. In doing so, he manages, perhaps for the first time, a workable horror atmosphere and solid gore, plus he has two very decent actors at his disposal. Unfortunately, however, as always, it falls horribly short. It's a shame, his ideas deserve a more imaginative execution. But I've been thinking that since the first Happy Death Day. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol After the time loop of Happy Death Day Christopher Landon tries something different, and once again it is very playful, entertaining, reasonably original, and this time it also has guts when it came to gore, for which I praise it. The idea of a serial killer unknowingly switching bodies with a high school girl is really cool, and Vince Vaughn is probably the biggest attraction of the whole film. He is funny and acts really well (this body sucks!). I liked the opening ten minutes, which reminded me of classics like Friday the 13th and Scream, and then of course the circular saw, which is the boldest gore scene in the whole film. Those who enjoy comedic slashers that are playful and entertaining will be satisfied, and even though I expected more gags and gore (in this area, The Babysitter has the upper hand), overall, no better slasher has been released this year. Story ****, Action ***, Humor ***, Violence ***, Enjoyment ****, Music ***, Visuals ****, Atmosphere ****, Tension ****. 7.5/10. ()

Galéria (21)