
Egy különleges és kirobbanóan jó szerelmi történet a felnőtté válásról… egy felfordult, pontosabban felrobbanni készülő világban. Egy középiskolában a diákok elkezdenek megmagyarázhatatlanul, de szó szerint felrobbanni. A végzős Mara (Katherine Langford) és Dylan (Charlie Plummer) kénytelenek a túlélésért küzdeni egy olyan világban, ahol bármely pillanat lehet az utolsó. Ahogy váratlanul romantikus érzések szökkennek szárba közöttük, Mara és Dylan ráébrednek, hogy amikor már nincs garancia arra, hogy a holnap is eljön, jobb, ha időben elkezdenek a mának élni. (HBO Europe)


Videók (1)


Recenziók (4)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol If you like high school comedies and unlikely romances between an outsider and a nice girl who’s not a prickly prima-dona, Spontaneous will give you both, plus a bloody plot with a concept that ranges from the great to the unsurprising all the way to the helpless. Director Brian Duffiled does a decent job and, especially in the first half, delivers an ingeniously executed dose of entertainment, while the two protagonists are also great in their moderation, and their nerdy movie quotes (they mention E.T. and, of course, David Cronenberg, the uncrowned king of exploding heads) are brilliant, too. Unfortunately, the last act doesn’t manage to bring together all the sketched motifs and ends up being a very routine rip-off of generic psychological probes into the torn teenage soul that doesn’t know how to keep its own shape. Katherine Langford is great, though, and if the film managed to stay on the wave of the original narrative style of the first half, it would be one of the best high school comedies ever – and with exploding heads to boot. 65% ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol At first, this seemed like a film that I would rate highly, but the likably cynical main character gradually turned out to be more of a poser, the mix of genres didn't help it either, and there was too much melodrama about true American values towards the end, so two stars it is. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Just another love story. Only that heads explode here. It's quite an interesting combination of genres, because on the comedy level the film works well, the frequent jokes and geeky references to movies are a pleasure; on the teen movie level it works the same way, the "pairing" of the two protagonists is actually quite cute and can entertain and warm the heart, and their chemistry is simply good. As paradoxical as the combination of the aforementioned with exploding students and hectolitres of blood may seem, you'd be surprised, the result works quite well. The dramatic level and the depressing coping with the loss of close friends also works, and even the epilogue works, which actually just underlines the whole film with the words "tomorrow is not certain, enjoy today while you can”. It's probably already clear to everyone at first blush that the film isn't going to make a dent in the world, but it's more than enough for a moment's entertainment in all of the aforementioned genres, and if you're not going to see the film just for that, it might at least lure in the sexy Katherine Langford. Simple B-movie entertainment for a dull evening, perfectly holding up a middle finger to today's "basic teen love-story" films. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I like this kind of premises, they deprive the characters of their ontological certainty and force them to deal with that in some way or another, something very appropriate for this year in particular. That said, the ace of this film are the two protagonists, they have such great chemistry that I think could enjoy their high-school romance even without the spontaneously exploding classmates. Unfortunately, the last act loses direction and doesn’t match the quality of the previous sixty minutes. The epilogue is good, though. ()

Galéria (24)