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Előzetes 1

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Egy egykori vadász a lánya eltűnése után remeteként él az erdőben, és azokat az állatokat védi, amelyekre korábban vadászott. Amikor gyilkosságok sora történik, és kiderül, hogy azok a lányával is összefüggenek, Rayburn újra vadászatra indul. (HBO Max)

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Előzetes 1

Recenziók (6)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar Egy tisztességes thriller, amely az indián területek komor hegyvidékén játszódik. Lányok gyilkosságai úgy elkövetve, mint vadállatokra vadászva, egy ambiciózus seriffnő és egy karakteres rezervátumvédő, akinek a lánya évekkel ezelőtt eltűnt... Kellően izgalmas, de a sztori a klasszikus műfaji sémához ragaszkodik, csak kisebb eltérésekkel. Wind River - Gyilkos nyomon ezekben az erdőkben utolérhetetlen. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Above-par for the standards of its genre. What I appreciate the most are the carefully developed relationships between the characters, which are meaningfully portrayed and at least in one moment they produce a pleasant screenwriting surprise. I have a weak spot for the bleakness of Nordic forests, and Nikolai is great, a bloke who overgrows this small production. It’s a pity that at times it’s missing a dose of realism, that the sheriff was insufficiently used considering her potential, and that the reveal of the killer was the result of pure chance, though at the right time. There are many good things about The Silencing, but with a bit more effort it could have been a little better. 70% ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Luckily for The Silencing, Nikolaj Coster Waldau and Annabelle Wallis manage to keep the attention and the running time is not that overly long, nor is the film too dull or with major logical holes and dead spots, so you won't be disappointed, but on the other hand the film doesn't impress, it doesn't bring anything new to the genre and actually stays pretty much grounded the whole time. It's hard to rate when there's practically nothing to rate - average in all respects and the result is a bland thriller, which on the other hand (unlike other B-movies lately...) didn't get on my nerves or make me want to turn it off. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The film has the promising casting of the likeable Nikolaj Coster-Waldau and the adorable sheriff Annabelle Wallis as they search for a serial killer, but they only clash twice and the action around them is very uninteresting. There is virtually no gore, no suspense at all, I kind of don't know what this film was supposed to give me, apart from fine actors and a promising premise it filled me with almost nothing. I was expecting a bigger experience. Story***, Action>No, Humor>No, Violence*, Entertainment***, Music***, Visual***, Atmosphere***, Suspense**. 5/10. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I felt that a three-star rating would be too low, as I thoroughly enjoyed all that adrenaline-fueled running around the woods. Granted, I found out who the villain was sooner than the creators would have liked, but I’m an experienced couch detective, and besides, some of the evidence was very cogent. But not even that spoiled the good impression the film made on me, because it was intriguing to watch how the individual characters were gradually revealed and because Zahn McClarnon made an appearance. ()

Galéria (16)