
Koszovó / Egyesült Államok, 2019, 83 perc


Daniel Kruglikov


Daniel Kruglikov


Éponine Momenceau


Florist Bajgora
(további alkotók)


In an act of revenge, Drita lost her life. She was already buried when Flamur returned to Pristina. He knows who her executioner is, but what is he to do with this knowledge? For drifter Flamur there was only violence and war; he had to flee. Drita, however, could not leave. Her family, her violin, her culture: she was at home in Kosovo. And so he left the love of his life behind – and carried her into misery. Drita ventures into the destructive cycle of revenge, where rivals become one with violence and life becomes one with death. How can this vicious circle be overcome? A haunting cinematic poem about struggling with tradition, the need for change and the power of love. (Zurich Film Festival)
