Vörös cipellők

(fesztivál filmcím)


Victoria Page tehetséges volt. Azon kevesek közé tartozott, akikből egy értő mester primadonnát nevelhet. A sors kegye, hogy találkozott ezzel az emberrel, aki féltő módon igazgatta karrierjét, London, Párizs, Róma, New York közönsége kényeztette őket. Andersen meséjéből külön balettet koreografált számára, szerződtette a legjobb ifjú zeneszerzőt - és ez lett mindhármójuk veszte... (MTVA)


Videók (1)


Recenziók (4)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Powell and Pressburger and their other cinematic and, in this case, actually balletic triumph. A beautiful example of how different kinds of art can be combined. Engaging a professional ballerina was the only option and the creators had a lucky hand. Moira Shearer also looks simply amazing in Technicolor. She and her red slippers are the sun of this film, around which everything revolves. The finale is a demonstration of the power of the creative duo. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I couldn't pass up Martin Scorsese's beloved film (see his Criterion confession). Technicolour cinematography didn't look better anywhere else at the time, the ballet passage in the middle, shot with film techniques and tricks of the time, charmed me, I enjoyed the angles from which the camera sometimes shot the charismatic Anton Walbrook, making him look like a patient Mephistopheles at times. But I was disappointed by the ending, which I found too elementary. It needed more courage, more touch of reality. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Everything that didn't work for me in Black Narcissus doesn't work here either, but The Red Shoes thankfully boasts some truly excellent ballet passages and acting by Adolf Anton Wilhelm Wohlbrück. This man is the star of many wonderful films. That's why I’m not concerned with an collision, the weird makeup for a color film, and the bland acting by Moira Shearer. I just let Boris Lermontov's ballet company play that perfect dream world over and over again. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The romance novel walks miles in British Technicolor red shoes in a not-so short, fateful melodrama (with a forty minute prologue!) set in a ballet company about two gingers and one “Mephisto" compellingly played by Anton Walbrook. This trio battles that eternal western conflict of personal life and love versus career and ambitions. A movie which, on paper, I’m hopelessly compelled to loathe. But paper assumptions often aren’t valid. Thank god. And so just like how once every umpteen seasons Real Madrid defeats Barcelona, against all odds, the Red Shoes can, despite the black (red?) mark above, be as fantastic to watch as only the best pictures can. ()

Galéria (82)