
Az utazócirkusznál dolgozó Stanton Carlisle becsvágyó férfi, aki néhány jól megválasztott szóval tehetségesen manipulálja az embereket. Találkozik egy pszichiáternővel, akiről rövidesen kiderül, hogy talán még nála is veszedelmesebb. (Fórum Hungary)

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az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar Guillermo elkanyarodott a szeretett szörny(ek)től, és a vizuális perfekcionista kecsességével, a sötét, bizarr és törékeny karakterek koncentrált ábrázolásával karrierje eddigi legérettebb filmanyagát filmesítette meg. A Rémálmok sikátora egy pszichológiai dráma a hazug színlelésről, amely önmaga elvesztéséhez vezet, vizuális retró csemege minden egyes felvételen, ahol a kamera könnyedén lebeg a legintimebb párbeszédekben is. Browning klasszikus Szörnyszülöttek című filmje jut eszedbe róla, a finom noir stilizáció és a színészek minden egyes kreációja, amelyekkel a film úgy van feldíszítve, mint egy karácsonyfa, léleksimogató. A főszereplő a történet legrosszabb jellemével rendelkező karaktere - karizmatikus, de belül egy romlott hazudozó, aki manipulálja a bizalmatlan környezetet. Bradley Cooper meglepő szereposztásával annál látványosabb és szórakoztatóbb nézni, hogy a színész milyen jól kezelte a helyzetet. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The continuation of a cycle of stories, which, like Crimson Peak and The Shape of Water, lay dusty in the attic until Guillermo del Toro came along and turned it into a visual masterpiece with the help of a stellar cast, one that critics admire but audiences do not. However, compared to the aforementioned works, Nightmare Alley is more mature, thoughtful, confident, and ambitious in its setting and themes. It plays with psychology, noir, detective stories, or almost a hundred-year-old horrors, and despite the predictable twist, it describes the narrative circle almost perfectly. Perhaps only the screenwriting habit of making the main character make exactly the mistakes that the supporting characters (often repeatedly) warn her against seems unnecessary to me since Pan's Labyrinth. But for lovers of the spine-chilling and immersion into images that look like they have aged for decades, this manipulative journey is a sure bet and, for me, the best del Toro film since Hellboy II: The Golden Army. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Looking at Guillermo del Toro's filmography, I'd say Nightmare Alley might just be his most layered work yet. Set in the 1940s, it starts off as an occult drama within the world of a circus, only to morph into a full-blown noir in the second half. The cinematography is stunning, and the atmosphere thickens perfectly, suggesting del Toro's usual supernatural touch, which he intriguingly subdues with stark pragmatism as the film progresses. It's a bit unexpected, but with stellar performances, this film stands out as one of the most intriguing releases in recent memory. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A magical neo-noir thriller by Guillermo del Toro! Nightmare Alley isn't for mainstream audiences and you need to be in the mood for it, but if you're properly tuned in like me, you're in for an awesome magical movie experience. The film benefits a lot from a perfect cast, with Bradley Cooper in the lead and Cate Blanchett also in a very prominent role of her career (the rest of the characters have less space, but Willem Dafoe, Toni Collette and Ron Perlman are good, too). The first hour was very close and appealing to me, set in a post war circus, a setting I like a lot and here they portray very nicely what goes on behind the curtain (all the shenanigans). The story of the wild man is awesome, it has quite a disturbing and sultry atmosphere. Visually it's absolutely breathtaking to the point of being mesmerizing, some of the shots will make want to pause the film and take a picture (Guillermo is a god in visual styling). The second half goes in a different direction, and I won't say which one, but it definitely builds up decently, the tension and uncertainty builds up and the finale is quite uncompromisingly ironic. The film is two and a half hours long and has a slower pace, so impatient viewers will probably fall asleep or give up on it, but I surprisingly stared open-mouthed and thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing. It's a perfect example of manipulation, psychology, scamming and deception with a nice period setting, magical atmosphere, excellent actors, stunning visuals and well written dialogue. The scene where the older gentleman explains to Bradley the trick of manipulating people with the right words- is great. I took away a lesson from the movie, I feel I was on top of things and it's definitely something to debate with friends for half an hour, so very good for me. Story 4/5, Action 2/5, Humor 0/5, Violence 2/5, Fun 4/5 Music 4/5, Visuals 5/5, Atmosphere 4/5, Suspense 3/5, Emotion 3/5, Actors 4/5. 8/10. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I’m not fond of carnivals from the first half of the 20th century, with their bizarreness, the way their tormented animals and boasted about the deformity of disabled people, but the setting in the late 1930s and early 1940s suits me. However, I feel that the story and its plot arc is not so substantial to justify the enormous runtime. I would have cut the beginning at the carnival by half, maybe more, and nothing would have happened, leaving Bradley and Rooney Mara's reunion and , for the final (very funny, by the way) twist, the important monologue of the the demonic Willem Dafoe about how they recruit human scum to play the role of renegades who are locked permanently in a cage and eat chickens alive. On the other hand, if I were Del Toro I'd focus more on the intrigue in the big city, its grimness and depravity, because Cate Blanchett is a great femme fatale and the sparks between her and Bradley are electrifying. Overall, I enjoyed it, but a pair of scissors for the editor would have been really nice. But it's hard when you consider how much del Toro loves the bizarreness of the old fairs and carnivals, he must have felt like a kid in a candy store in their backdrop. ()

Galéria (81)

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