Sírhant művek

  • Egyesült Államok Six Feet Under
Egyesült Államok, (2001–2005), 62 h 25 perc (Percek: 52–63 perc)


Alan Ball


Peter Krause, Michael C. Hall, Frances Conroy, Lauren Ambrose, Freddy Rodríguez, Mathew St. Patrick, Rachel Griffiths, Justina Machado, Jeremy Sisto (több)
(további alkotók)

Streaming (2)

Évad(5) / Epizódok(63)


Az Acadamy díjnyertes Amerikai szépség című film írója tollából született a Sírhant Művek című, nagysikerű sorozat, amely fekete humorral veszi górcső alá az életet és a halált, egy működésképtelen családot, amely egy temetkezési vállalkozást működtet Californiában.A családfő, karácsony éjszakáján autóbalesetet szenved és meghal, miközben fia, Nate éppen érkezik az ünnepekre. A dolgok azonban tovább bonyolódnak, ugyanis Nate-nek nem csak apja halálával kell foglalatoskodnia, hanem anyja lelkiismeret furdalásával is, mert bevallja, titokban félrelépett, mi több, fény derül arra is, hogy húga drogozik, bátyja pedig meleg. Nate számára egyetlen mentsvár, a szenvedélyes Brenda - új barátnője - akivel éppen apjáékhoz tartva, a repülőgépen ismerkedett meg. Teljes vigaszt azonban Brendában is csak ideig - óráig lel, mert hamarosan kiderül, Brenda családja legalább ugyanolyan működésképtelen, mint Nate-é. (Warner Home Video)


Videók (3)


Recenziók (5)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Well thought out, cynical, sad, cheerful, suspenseful, funny, clever. The main theme of this series is death, but life simply oozes from Six Feet Under. Realistically written and acted characters fearlessly grab hold of the time that we have on this earth and that is slipping away in front of our eyes. R.I.P. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Death is no more or less than the price of life, and it is one hundred percent true that it awaits us all at the end of our journey. The death of a person and the farewell ceremony usually evoke a wide range of emotions and expose peoples' natures, so it is no wonder that the life experiences of the funeral family provided the screenwriting team with excellent material and an attractive spectacle for viewers. In many places, the series manages to touch upon the most sensitive aspects of our physical existence and social relationships. It touches on the burning topics of social debate, but as the episodes progressed, I began to dislike the pronounced eccentricity of some of the characters. It cannot be denied that screenwriter Alan Ball had the primary voice, who is also the creator of the crazy vampire fantasy full of sexual deviations, True Blood. If it is said about some series that they are written by life itself, here it is evident that the stories are written by a screenwriter. Undeniably well and captivatingly, but ordinary life is a bit different. In the first season, the presence of dark humor served in small doses pleased me, and my attention was caught by the charming Lauren Ambrose in the role of the family's high school student. Overall impression: 80%. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A great series that was a perfect fusion of drama and black humor with a good dose of cynicism. I was very disappointed when I found out that the adverts appeared only in the first episode, they were brilliant. The plot of the first three seasons was truly captivating. I enjoyed the character development and wondered what kind of death would open the next episode. Seasons 4 and 5 seemed to drag a bit, but everything was saved by the finale. I worried that it would have an overly optimistic ending with an overdose of pathos, but it was excellent, which really made me happy. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I absolutely love this to death. Literally. A masterfully mixed absurd and, at the same time, very real cocktail by Alan Ball, full of black humor, cynicism, pessimism and optimism and, mainly, real living protagonists who you’ll love in spite of their many character defects (or maybe because of them?). There is no other series which has been so much and so pertinently about life as this one and only a few audiovisual works of art fits the well-worn description that it "holds up mirrors", which helps it to withstand even the weaker (in the context of the whole of the series - otherwise very high standard) third season. Simply an unforgettable five years spent in the company of the Fisher family. And honestly, if you experience their ups and downs together with them (in this case there can’t be any talk about mere watching) only then you can really appreciate and fully understand why the last ten minutes are rightly considered to be the one of the most emotional scenes ever. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Season 1 – 85% – "There's a lot of sadness in this house." – "It's a funeral home." A perfectly honest drama with all the elements that best tell us that we don't choose our family, destined partners, and fate. Fortunately. The full load of mistakes is less than it might seem, and only characters like Gilardi or Gabriel Dimas can prevent it (although they are believable). However, I'm rooting for the entire Fisher family and their loved ones, hoping they can handle all the negativity they encounter on their funeral home journey. Season 2 – 90% – "We really are just biology, aren't we?" Dear Fishers, you are getting under my skin. While someone like Nate grew on me from the moment Peter Krause's face appeared on the screen, it took me a bit longer to warm up to the others, but now I love Claire and Ruth. I still struggle with the supporting characters, can't appreciate Keith's storyline, and often roll my eyes when Rico moralizes, but as a whole, Six Feet Under is getting better and better. I wish them all the best in rising above things they can't change (David), winning the battle with themselves (Billy), and sometimes I simply don't understand them (Brenda). Nevertheless, I slowly but irreversibly identify with this unspoken struggle for everyday happiness. Season 3 – 100% – "I wouldn't change anything. If you change one thing, that changes everything. And some things are the way they should be." About how life doesn't wait for anyone. About how you can love someone immensely but still struggle to find your place in a relationship. About happiness that hides in the most depressing situations. About how you can find yourself in college but also lose a lot of yourself. About life-changing moments when some feel hopeless and others see a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. And finally, about how I finally understand all of this. Season 4 – 90% – "Maybe it's true what they say, we all pick the same person over and over again. There's something nice about that." We truly love someone when we stand by them, even if we don't understand them. And this time, I don't understand several of them. I don't understand the direction or rules of David and Keith's relationship, I can't empathize with Brenda as she tries to form a serious bond with Joe, and I can't grasp the points of Rico's escapades. But there are still countless positives, and the main one is an increasingly attractive redhead. Claire Fisher is becoming one of the best characters in a TV series, and her journey is currently the most intriguing. Moreover, the sad rule applies once again. If you fear something and constantly worry that it will haunt you, chances are you're right. Season 5 – 100% – "Time flies when you're having fun, huh?" – "No, time flies when you're pretending to have fun." Everything that can go wrong inevitably does, whether in the form of subtle cracks or unexpected twists of fate. But in every such moment, I feel a sense of the last breath of the series. Maybe I will never understand Keith's nature, maybe Rico is destined to be a strangely selfish ungrateful person till the end, but that doesn't matter. That's life, and not everyone in it is understandable to me. The final season keeps questioning my own identity, future, and unfortunately, mortality, and it shows even to the most blind that Six Feet Under is all-encompassing. Because everyone, at some point, wants or even fundamentally needs to capture that beautiful moment. However painfully futile such an effort may be. "You can't take a picture of this. It's already gone." () (kevesebbet) (több)

Galéria (474)